Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 22 1918/2018
Montrose– Friends in this vicinity learn with regret of the contemplated removal of Dr. W.B. Van de Sand and wife to the west. Dr. Van de Sand has built up a good osteopathic practice in Montrose and as both himself and wife have been active in community welfare work they have made many friends. Dr. Van de Sand’s health has not been the best and he expects to locate in a less rigorous climate. ALSO William Green, of Hopbottom, while driving his Ford car down Public avenue, Tuesday, skidded into a steeply sloping gutter near the People’s Bazaar and brought up suddenly against the curb and a telephone pole. The steering gear and forward portions of the car were badly twisted and bent. Meehan Bros., blacksmiths, straightened out the worst portions and Mr. Green and a companion heated other parts in the stove in Patrick’s cigar store and hammered them straight on the sidewalk—and the goldarned little Ford rambled right along towards home.
Springville – The life of a step-father is not always a joyous one, but this fact does not seem to hinder some men from joining themselves to a ready-made family by the ties of matrimony. Mina Ferris, a widow, with several grown up children, lived at Springville and about a month ago, yielding to the artful calls of cupid, she married Wilbur Valentine. The children arrived from Tunkhannock, with a truck, and proceeded to remove all the household furniture. This was objected to by the newly-wed couple, who finally sent for an officer, but who failed to arrest the parties. Later an officer from Montrose arrested two of the sons, who entered bail for a hearing at Montrose, Nov. 27th.
East Kingsley – The aeroplanes travelling between Scranton and Binghamton are a pleasing sight now that the Peace treaty between Germany and the Allies has been signed.
Forest City – The epidemic of Spanish influenza we are glad to state has passed, and conditions here are rapidly approaching normal, says the Forest City News. There are about 6 cases in the temporary hospital, and all but one is convalescing. It is expected that the hospital will be closed this week and the building will be thoroughly fumigated for the reopening. ALSO Sgt. Stanley Horosko was killed in France during the last drive. Prior to his death he had been wounded and left the hospital to rejoin his command. His father was killed in the mines when Stanley was 10 and his stepfather met a similar fate last January. He is survived by his mother and four sisters.
Rushville – J. A. Shadduck, a successful apiarist, has disposed of 1,500 pounds of honey to customers in this vicinity and to wholesalers in Scranton during the past season.
Susquehanna – Henry Teskey received a telegram from the War Department announcing that his son, Corp. James Teskey, had died in France of wounds received in action. At the time he joined the colors, Teskey was employed as chief clerk in the office of Shop Superintendent Depue of the Erie railroad at this place. He has three other brothers in the service.
Thompson – “Old Glory” In 1864 an order called the Patriotic Union League was organized at Jenkins Hollow, one mile north of Thompson borough, with 25 or 30 charter members. C.P. Jenkins, of the borough is the only charter member living. B.C. Stoddard, of Amsterdam, NY, and Samuel Burr, now in a soldiers’ home, are the only ones living at the present time, so far as is known. When the League was organized, C.B. Jenkins was detailed to purchase a flag for the order. He found it impossible to get one ready made in Susquehanna, so purchased material of Grettenburg, Rosenbaum & Co., who furnished him the design for field and stars. The young ladies of the vicinity met at the home of Cyrus Hall and made the flag—all hand-made. Of the “girls” present on that occasion only two are now living—Nannie Hall, now Mrs. B.F. Barnes, and Wealthy Gelatt, now Mrs. Larrabee, both residing in Thompson. The flag is now in Mr. Jenkin’s possession and he is very choice of it. It is used only on special or eventful occasions. It was used at the close of the Civil War, Spanish-American War, and again last evening at the jollification.
West Auburn – R.B. Swisher, manager of the telephone company, had a narrow escape recently, from serious injury, when knocked down by an infuriated cow. As it was, he received several bad bruises; the cow’s horn pierced his hand below the thumb.
Lanesboro – Earl Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wheeler, was wounded in action in France on Oct. 18. according to a letter written by his brother, Arthur, who is also in the service over there. A bursting shell caused a compound fracture of one of Soldier Wheeler’s limbs and he is now in a base hospital. Six other soldiers were also wounded by the shell.
News Briefs: The increase in the number of tractors in Pennsylvania is 122 per cent over last year, which indicates the rapidity with which they are coming into use. Every county in the state is now operating tractors for farming purposes. Susquehanna is credited with 22, Bradford has 61, Wayne 18, Wyoming 3, and Lancaster leads with 209. It will not be many years before tractors will be common as trucks. ALSO Officials at Washington estimate that the total casualties of the American expeditionary forces in the war will not exceed 100,000, including the men killed in action, died of wounds, disease and accidents, and the missing, who will never be accounted for. Some may be found when the prisoners are returned from Germany. It will be several weeks before the record of casualties can be completed. ALSO Pennsylvania automobile license tags for 1919 will be black with red figures and will be of a different shape, which will stop the practice of painting over old tags. The tags are being made by inmates of the Huntingdon reformatory again this year.
Marriage Licenses: Chas. H. Gesford, Dimock and Blanche Severcool, Springville; Fred W. Ives, Susquehanna and Hattie E. McKane, Great Bend; Albert E. Felton, Susquehanna and Clara E. Rought, Summersville; Floyd E. Hibbard, Auburn and Myrtle C. Bishop, Auburn.
200 Years Ago, from the Montrose Gazette, Nov. 21, 1818.
*WILLIAM TILLOTT, Dyer, Clothier, & Presser of Woollen Cloths, (From London England). Most respectfully informs the inhabitants of Clifford, Gibson, Jackson, Harford, Waterford and all other adjoining towns, that he has taken the Fulling Mills heretofore occupied by Mr. Stephens, in the Elk Woods, where he intends dyeing and dressing Woolen Cloths to any color or patern that may be wished. Woolen Yarn dyed all colors. Mr. Tillott informs those who may honor him with the custom that he has got a good assortment of Drugs for dyeing all colors from one of the best houses in New York, and that he does not purchase them by the small quantity as some clothiers do in this country. Mr. Tillott having served his apprenticeship in one of the first dye houses in England, flatters himself that he will be able to turn out his work in a style far superior to any that has been in the country before. All orders left at Ezekiel Titus’s in Harford, will be taken from there and returned in ten days. Produce taken in payment for work. Oct. 8, 1818.
*STRAY SHEEP. Came into the enclosure of the subscriber on the 7th inst., Seven Sheep. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. Some of said sheep have a nick under the right ear, and one has a bell on. SCOTT BALDWIN, Bridgewater, Nov. 20, 1818.
Compiled By: Betty Smith