Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 04 1918/2018
With Our Boys in the Field: August Smith, Montrose, was lately promoted to corporal at the veterinary training school at Camp Lee, Virginia; Lt. A.A. Kane, of Susquehanna, has been promoted to captain, training men for service overseas; Carlisle Smith, Montrose, is now in the naval branch of the aviation service; Fourteen Sunday school boys of the Montrose Methodist church are in the service-Robert Wood, Arthur Downer, Halford Risley, Paul Sechler, Charles Mackey, Hugh Mackey, Manley Fowler, Carr Pross, Wilbur Pross, Guy Strous, Orlando Stone, Clarence Sprout, Fred Jeffers and Benton James; Joseph Mulqueen, Susquehanna, died of pneumonia in New Jersey; William Feddock is a member of the 17th Balloon Company, was sent to the training school at Omaha, Neb., the largest of its kind in the world; Marshall Blowers, age 19, son of Ralph Blowers, of New Milford, was killed during the Marne offensive in France. He was a member of Co. G. 167th U.S. Infantry; Ben Webster and Chester Watterhouse, of Franklin Hill, are in France; James Igo, of Brookdale, has been seriously wounded in France.
Message from the Dept. of Health, Harrisburg: The spread of epidemic influenza in other states has shown that public gatherings and places where large numbers of people are likely to congregate play important parts in the dissemination of the disease. This is especially the case in poorly lighted and badly ventilated rooms. As the disease at this time shows definite signs of assuming serious proportions, drastic measures must be taken at once. (This communication goes on to talk about the following) Your Board of Health is directed to close all public places of entertainment, including theatres, moving picture establishments, saloons and dance halls and to prohibit all meetings of every description until further notice. Local health authorities will decide the closing of public schools, Sunday schools and churches. *The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. (Google Search)
Franklin Forks – The children of Victor White, while playing with matches, went to their father’s barn and soon had a blaze started. It was not discovered until the older child, Harold, rushed to the house and gave the alarm. The little girl, Rosella, aged but 20 months, had remained in the barn and her clothing caught fire and burned everything on the child. Dr. Preston was hurriedly summoned, but her injuries were such that she died two hours later. The sad accident has deeply stirred the community and much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family. ALSO D. L. and W. E. Birchard made a business trip to Binghamton last Friday and took in the celebrated movie picture, “To Hell With the Kaiser.” Dim says it sure was some picture.
Rush – Samuel Kirkhuff was killed by the cars at Meshoppen, Monday, his neck being broken. His home is the old William Kirkhuff farm.
Susquehanna – We are having an acute shortage of coal, many of the people being out and no immediate prospect of the dealers being able to stock up. This is due to the State’s estimation being made on the town’s population in 1910 and claims that it has increased 25% which is not taken into consideration. The State says the town has had its allotment based on their calculations. Affidavits are being sent to the Fuel Administrator to lay the true facts of the case.
Bridgewater Twp. – James Brogan, the efficient gardener of Fernheim farm for the past 12 years, now that the season’s work is practically over, contemplates spending the winter away to afford a little “change” in scene and may take a position for a time in the southern part of the state. He will return to Fernheim in the spring. His children will stay with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kane, during his absence.
Great Bend – Eugene Manning has returned to his home in Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Manning completed the painting and decoration of St. Lawrence church and residence during the past week.
Montrose – Principal L.F. Hess was taken ill the first of the week and unable to take charge of the school. Miss Clara Winans, assistant superintendent of schools, acted as principal. The school was closed Monday afternoon by the Board of Health for an indefinite period awaiting the outcome of the influenza epidemic.
Clifford – Mrs. Beatrice Hubbard, widow of the Late Frederick Hubbard, died at the Mary Keller hospital, Scranton, Oct. 8, 1918, after a two days’ illness of pneumonia. Her daughter, Dorothy, was buried at Clifford on Sunday and she attended the funeral. Another daughter, Marion, is seriously ill with diphtheria. Deceased was formerly Miss Beatrice Burdick. Her father, Owen Burdick, of Carbondale, and one daughter survive. Burial in Clifford cemetery.
Thompson – The entertainment at the home of Miss Walker was well attended and featured the newly organized orchestra. Also featured was a duet by A.E. Foster and A.J. Brundage, who gave evidence of their great vocal power; each one being perfectly able to carry their own part, seemingly wholly unconscious of the fact that the other was singing a different tune in an entirely different key.
Uniondale – James Lowery has been appointed an instructor of biology at Bucknell University.
Herrick Twp. – Milkmen struck when it was whispered that the Woodlawn Dairy Co. would not sign the contract. They are in the butter business now and will remain until the matter is adjusted.
Brackney – In August our branch of the Red Cross sent to Montrose the following articles which we completed during the month: 5 quilts, 4 pajama suits, 35 triangular bandages, 12 tray cloths, 12 napkins, 4 handkerchiefs, 6 comfort pillows and 12 property bags.
200 Years Ago Today from the Montrose Gazettte, October 3, 1818.
*DIED. In this township, on Tuesday last, after a short and distressing illness, in the 12th year of her age, Olive Deans, daughter of Deacon Zebulon Deans.
*BOUNTIFUL PRODUCTIONS. Capt. Jarah Stephens, of this township (Bridgewater) raised a cucumber the present season, which measured 17” long, 13” in circumference and weighed four and a half pounds. Israel Birchard, of this township, raised this season a cucumber 18” long, 12” in circumference, which weighed five pounds.
*SHERIFF SALE. Taken by virtue of a writ of vend. expo. to me directed, will be sold at public vendue at the house of Chapman Carr on Tuesday the 13th day of October next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon a certain tract of land situate in the township of Harmony on the waters of the Conawacta Creek, bounded as follows, viz: on the south west by lands belonging to the heirs of Abraham Dubois, on the north by lands of Henry Drinker and Isaac Post, on the east by lands of M. Herrick, on the south east by lands of Isaac Post, containing three hundred sixty nine acres and six tenths – the right of SOIL WARRANTED free and clear of all encumbrances whatsoever—together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. AUSTIN HOWELL, Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose, Sept. 22, 1818.
Compiled By: Betty Smith