Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
October 06 1916/2016
Silver Lake – Miss Agnes Robertson entertained recently in honor of her sister, Miss Ida Robertson, of Milwaukee, Wis. Music and dancing were the diversions of the evening, the music being furnished by Jos. Sweeney and Matthew Kelley, of Silver Lake. A buffet supper was served. Those present were: Misses Mary and Josephine Murphy, Susie Gubbins, Agnes and Ida Robinson, Bernice Rogers and Julia Carman. Messers. Geo. Murphy, Thos. Conroy, Willie Shea, Robert Rogers, Cyril Darrow, Walter Anderson, Jerome Whalley, Joseph Sweeney, Andrew Robertson, Matthew Kelley, Leo Gregory, Graydon Rogers, Christian Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Harrington and Helen Kane, of Binghamton. All report a fine time.
Dimock – Doherty & Winans removed a large stone from their quarry here on Sept. 21, which was 30 ft. long, 6 ft. 7 in. wide, 2 ft., 2 in. thick, 442 cubic feet, weighing about 40 tons. ALSO A cold and long winter will soon be here, which reminds us to fill our coal bins and wood houses and also to get in readiness our extra stoves, which have been in summer quarters. ALSO School opened Oct. 2nd. Until the new school building is completed the Community Building will be used for the Grammar and High School departments.
Choconut Valley – James Addison, who is in the treasury department, at Washington, recently spent several days with his brother, William Addison, at Choconut Valley Inn.
Susquehanna – Richard Fitzgerald, of Washington St., aged 24 years, a switchman employed by the Erie railroad, was instantly killed while at work in the local yards on Monday. The unfortunate young man was hurrying ahead of a train to throw a switch, when he slipped and fell beneath the car wheels, his body being badly crushed.
Glenwood – Mrs. Corinda Marcy, who was 80 years old Sept. 27, was nicely remembered with a postcard shower from her many friends. She received about 50, wishing her many happy returns of the day.
Uniondale – Forest City visitors were numerous in our town this week and include Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bayless and son, Clyde and Benjamin Maxey and Sarah Carpenter was a shopper in Forest City, between trains, Saturday afternoon. ALSO Dr. John S. Tinker, of Philadelphia, has been spending his vacation at the home of his father, John K. Tinker. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, remaining in that city, where he has built up a good practice during the past eight years.
Bridgewater Twp. – There will be a box social next Wednesday night at the home of Adelbert McCollum, of E. Bridgewater. The funds will go toward improving the E. Bridgewater school house. ALSO Daniel W. Swackhamer, who is employed as a teamster by F.F. Pepper, while standing on a wheel hub of a coal wagon, was thrown suddenly by the horses starting forward. He sustained several broken ribs which will require some weeks to mend.
Johnson City – Last Sunday afternoon 53 persons were injured when a platform, on which 200 people were standing at the dedication of the new Presbyterian church, gave way, plunging them a distance of 18 ft. into the cellar. A number of persons had arms, legs and ribs broken, as well as bruises and other injures, but no fatalities resulted. The platform was a temporary structure which had been put up for the dedicatory exercises.
Montrose - A goodly representation from both the Montrose No 2 and Rough and Ready No. 1 fire companies, escorted by the Montrose Band, left on the early trolley this morning for Scranton to participate in the festivities of firemen’s day in connection with the Semi-centennial being celebrated there this week. ALSO F.C. Myers, proprietor of the C-Nic Theatre, is to be commended for the excellent pictures which he is showing. The pictures shown at this moving picture house are of a character that will not harm the morals of a child, and his efforts to secure high class pictures should meet with the hearty support of those who enjoy photoplays. He has just contracted with the Paramount Co. for a series of expensive films, among which are “Such a Little Queen,” with Mary Pickford in the title role, and “The Virginian,” a dramatization of Owen Wister’s famous book, with Dustin Farnum in the title role.
Lenoxville – David Nicholas and Juliette Gifford were married on Wednesday, Sept. 20th.
Elk Lake – Contractor H.E. Walton has a contract to erect a handsome cottage on the Fuller property at this place.
Birchardville – Maurice [Morris] Baker is the new bookkeeper at the First National Bank, taking the place of Robert Wood, who has resigned. Mr. Baker is a graduate of Montrose High school, and last year graduated from the Philadelphia School of Business.
Heart Lake – The season here has practically closed, and only a few are at the resort. There was much to feel proud over this season at the Lake, as the dances and social functions were of a very high order—and all who spent an outing there expect to go again. The proprietors, Mack & Jenkins, of Montrose, are very grateful for the patronage which made the season such a grand success.
Auburn Center – The Auburn High school opened on Monday: L.M. Payne as principal; Miss Helen Kast, ass’t. principal; Miss Anna Carney, intermediate; Miss Bessie Shannon, primary.
Lathrop Twp. – The schools of this township opened on Monday with the following teachers: Deckertown, Iva States; Lakeside, Lulu Sutton; West Valley, Ruth Miller; Maple Grove, Vina Quailey; Hillsdale, Lowell Smith.
Hallstead – Henry Talmadge, aged 80 years, died at the home of his son, Earl, in Scranton, Sept 23, 1916. The remains were taken to this place and laid at rest in the family plot. Mr. Talmadge formerly resided here and for many years was a conductor on the Lackawanna. He was also a veteran of the Civil War. [Mr. Talmadge was a member of Simrell Post, No. 233, G.A.R., Great Bend].
Milk Situation in Susquehanna County – The organization of the Dairymen’s League is at present controlling 85% of the normal supply of milk in New York City. A great credit must be attributed to the farmers of this County for doing their share in attempting to establish new prices. The County was thoroughly canvassed before Oct. 1st and 90% of the milk formerly sent to the New York market has been diverted to other channels. The farmers, unorganized, competing with the organization of the dealers, has made it next to impossible to secure better milk prices. Several Brooklyn farmers did not join the Brooklyn League and Sunday evening their milk houses were broken into and the milk destroyed. A note was also left advising them not to ship their milk again. Excitement is high in Brooklyn, as strike methods are not customary in rural districts. The situation seems to be improving, judging from late reports. An offer has been made of a half cent raise per quart. The milk buyers are talking of bringing suit against the dairymen for forming a “milk trust,” contrary to the federal laws. The outcome is awaited with interest.
200 Year Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, PA, October 8, 1816. TO CORRESPONDENTS. [Follow up from last week] Hemlock is received, but as his “shots” are so wild and wanton, we shall not publish his production. He wantonly sports with the feelings of an old soldier of 76, who wore out the best of his days to obtain Liberty for himself and his country, as his wounds amply attest; and to be treated in a manner that our correspondent treats him would make Humanity weep to see the Ingratitude of mankind.
Compiled By: Betty Smith