Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 10 1919/2019
Forest City – George Bell, who is staying with his son, Dr. H. R. Bell, is in receipt of a letter from a brother of whom he had heard absolutely nothing for the past 39 years. The brother disappeared and was mourned as lost. Last week, however, the silence of years was broken and the absent one apprised his brother of his whereabouts and that if an answer was received a story would be unfolded by the brother whose address is Columbus, Ohio.
Uniondale – The Suffrage Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Burns Lyon last Friday evening and as usual a great time was enjoyed by the members. An interesting program was presented followed by dainty refreshments.
Lynn – W. A. Sheldon has the finest turnout in town in the shape of a horse and buggy. He doesn’t propose to take anybody’s dust, however.
Brookdale, Liberty Twp. – The Pentecostal Mission people have purchased the M. E. church here and held their first service there last Sunday.
Montrose – L. P. Mahon, manager of the Colonial Hall, will conduct three dances Teachers’ Institute week, the evenings of Oct. 14th, 15th, 16th. These social dances have always been very enjoyable affairs, and with splendid music by a Scranton jazz orchestra, will prove no exception. ALSO A movement has been started to have a gymnasium in the basement of Colonial Hall and the plan is to ask the Alumni of the Montrose High School to contribute to the equipment.
Rush – Recurring impressions of Christie Curran, of Lawton, that of one large, both of body and soul, as we meet him from time to time, were confirmed the other day when passing the Rush High School, where he is a valued teacher, at recess time, when he was mingling with his pupils and assisting them in their sports. We remarked on this to a Rush citizen and his unique reply was: “The pupils like Christie and wish to obey him to the letter when in the school room; when they behold his towering they know that they would have to obey him, anyway.” He knows how to develop the best there is in a boy or girl—a valuable quality in an instructor. [Christie Curran was also known as outstanding in the sport of baseball.]
Friendsville – It was the writer’s pleasure to visit the borough of Friendsville the other day. This section of the county is rich in reminiscence, and surmounting a lofty eminence, is a picturesque spot. Although not situated on important arteries of travel now, a considerable business is done at this point. One of the matters giving charm to this borough is the fact that E. E. Lee has his residence and place of business here, his large and well-kept store enjoying a large business. Mr. Lee has a native charm and grace found in few men, and is an impressive figure in any company, anywhere.
Heart Lake – Photographer F. D. Greene, while pushing his car out of a ditch on Gardner Hill, near Heart Lake, lost the small finger on his left hand. He had his hand on a spoke of the back wheel, when the car started back and the brake band cut off the finger with a clean shear cut. Mr. Greene says he can spare that finger the best of any. He is at his place of business every day.
Susquehanna – Two army airplanes, manned by lieutenants, landed on the Bert Beebe farm, a short distance above Pinecrest, the summer home of Hon. C. Fred Wright, at this place, one evening last week. The machines landed after circling around for half an hour. They were enroute from Cooperstown to Honesdale, and encountering heavy mists and fog banks, feared to continue lest they run into a mountain, so came to earth. F. Miller Wright brought the two aviators to the Canawacta Hotel, where they spent the night. They resumed their flight in the morning. Presumably all these machines were part of the squadron of 50 military airplanes that left Mineola, Long Island, yesterday morning in the great trans-continental air race and reliability test to San Francisco and return.
Jessup Twp. – A box social will be held at the Griffis Hill school house, Friday evening, Oct. 10th. Everybody come. Ladies please bring boxes. Benefit of the school. Pearl Ainey, Teacher.
South Harford – Whitney Chamberlain, an old resident of South Harford, died at his home Friday morning after a long illness. He was an old veteran of the Civil War, [69th PA Infantry], and his age was 74 years. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Funeral was held at his late home, Rev. Benson, of New Milford, conducting the service. Interment in the South Harford cemetery. George Osmun and Melvin Tingley, Sextons of the town of Harford, being employed to dig the grave.
Brackney – Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Barney held a social dance at their cottage at Quaker Lake last Friday evening, Oct. 3rd. About 50 were present and all enjoyed the evening very much. The party consisted mostly of friends of this neighborhood. ALSO Curtis Lee has a Shetland pony and cart which takes his four daughters to school every day. The girls enjoy it very much.
Jackson – J. Mitchell Bennetts, of Wilkes-Barre, Dist. Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League in NE Pennsylvania, spoke at the M. E. church, Wednesday evening, on the temperance question, giving an understandable logical presentation of temperance to a fair sized audience. ALSO Miss Nellie Dewitt, of Charlestown, NC, is spending a furlough of twenty-two days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeWitt, of North Jackson. She is a trained nurse in the government service and has recently returned from an ocean voyage to Belgium, being one having in charge 400 German alien women being transported to their native country.
Auburn Twp. – Lt. Stanley Loomis, star end on the Delaware College foot ball team in 1917, who, as the result of wounds received in a regular army infantry regiment in France, lost one leg last summer, has re-entered college for his senior year. He was nominated for County Treasurer on the Democratic ticket and his election is said to be almost assured owing to his popularity. Regardless of the result of the election, he will remain to get his degree next June.
Brooklyn – Charles T. Otto and Miss Alice Watrous have announced their marriage, which took place at Binghamton on Sept. 12th. Their many friends extend hearty congratulations.
Gibson Twp. – William H. DaVall, Sr., a highly respected resident of this place, passed peacefully away at his home near South Gibson, Oct. 2, in his 84th year. He was born Feb. 25, 1836, in Preston, Wayne county, his grandparents being pioneer settlers in that county. On June 22, 1867 He was married to Huldah C. Chandler, of South Gibson, where he later purchased the old Chandler homestead, residing there a very successful farmer the remainder of his life. [The Susquehanna County Historical Society has, on display, a painting of the Chandler/DaVall farm, as it appeared in the mid-19th century. It was donated to the Society by a descent of the DaVall family. The Hazard Powers Cemetery can be seen on a hill immediately behind the farm.]
News Brief: “Did she tell you the truth when you asked her how old she was?” “Oh, yes.” “What did she say?” “That it was none of my business.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith