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October 11 1895/1995

Brushville – The Brushville Gun Club will leave for Hopbottom on Friday, to contest for the supremacy with the Hopbottom Club in shooting at glass balls. The Brushvillians will be accompanied by their wives – a very wise precaution.

Susquehanna – Old railroad associates of an ex-Susquehanna engineer, who has been in ill luck, this week presented him with $40 in cash, five tons of coal, and a barrel of flour. The railroad boys have big hearts. AND John J. Irving, Esq., of Binghamton, a native of Susquehanna, has been nominated for Member of Assembly by the Democrats of Broome County, NY, He doesn’t stand much chance of being elected, but all the same he would make a creditable and capable legislator.

Herrick Centre – W.H. Fletchers horse, Prince M., won a race at Dallas, Friday. He will be in the Bloomsburg races this week.

South Auburn – Mrs. N.H. Place had a yard which surpassed all others in this region with the most beautiful and thrifty plants and flowers. Next year let others try and see what they can do.

Oakland – Fireman Alonzo Damon, formerly of the Oakland side, has been engaged by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, to fire their compound locomotive, “Columbia,” while it is being tested on the Erie.

South Montrose – The “husking bee” at G.P. Wells, last Monday evening, was largely attended and by nine o’clock had all the corn husked, and then repaired to the house for lunch and a pleasant social time.

Montrose – The Pheasants in this vicinity must have formed a “suicide club.” Another one flew into town this morning, breaking its neck against the large window in front of H.P. Read’s store. It was immediately picked up by a boy who was passing, carried into the meat market and sold for fifty cents. With so many expert hunters in the woods they probably think themselves as safe in town as in their native haunts AND Last Wednesday was a very cold day with a few flakes of snow flying in the air. Just 59 years previous, we are informed, a foot of snow covered the streets of Montrose.

Forest City – Forest City barbers now close their doors on the Sabbath Day.

Rush – C.W. Hibbard, of Rush, has a sow three years old that has had 71 pigs in her five litters.

Birchardville – Fred Birchard was very unfortunate a few days ago by running a hay fork tine through his hand. He has not suffered any great inconvenience from it, but there is time enough yet.

Upsonville – Mrs. P.A. Law, of Ithaca, NY, visited several parties in this place lately. Mrs. Law is a daughter of the old stock of Smiths, (the Seven Brothers who first settled this section of the country). She is now 76 years of age, and unusually well preserved, and a devoted Christian woman, much thought of by her friends.

Franklin Hill – Franklin Hill is blessed with plenty of good water in spite of the dry weather.

News Brief – The charcoal man has not been around this season and the retail dealers are unable to supply house keepers, thus the particular ones sorrow at having to build their coal fires with wood and discolor the transparent mica in their stoves.

The end of the world, which was announced to take place in 1896, by Dr. Falb, a German weather prophet, has been postponed until November 13, 1899, between 2 and 4 o’clock. Aren’t you glad?

Any employee who reveals any telegraph or telephone message now, is liable under the new statue to a fine of $1,000 and six months’ imprisonment.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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