Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 13 1905/2005
Dimock - Hello! What is the matter of the local [telephone] line? We can not get Central half the time. AND The barn on the camp ground, it is reported, will probably not be rebuilt, as it was an investment which did not pay largely. The loss was about $800, with no insurance.
Thompson - A royal time was had by the I.O.O.F. last Friday evening. It was installation of officers and the Rebecca's helped to make their ice cream and spread the table and clear it. Then the order from Poyntelle and Jackson was with them so they had to open the G.A.R. hall adjoining their own hall to save the shingles on the building. Well, "boys will be boys," if part of them are bald-headed. The order here is booming. AND The Thomson school under the new principal, Miss Mary Donovan, is flourishing, so that the school board is looking for the third teacher and some of the "fast boys" are looking up their lessons. Unmistakable signs of improvement.
Lenox - The ladies of the Grange have arranged to hold their annual fair on Sat., Nov. 11. The dedication services of their new hall will be held that day also.
Harford - Collins Peck is a well-to-do farmer and seems to be spry and active for a man of his age. He celebrated his 77th birthday by going to the big reunion called the Harford Fair. What seems to be remarkable in Mr. Peck is that he had lived all these years on a farm where he was born, two miles south of Harford. His father, Joseph Peck, came from Connecticut in 1820. Young men stick to the old farms. AND The Harford Dairy Co. will build an ice house at Tyler Lake this fall or winter.
Hopbottom - Forty-five pupils are enrolled in the primary department of the Hopbottom graded school. The following are names of those present every day during the past month: Letah Packer, Dolly Penny, Pauline Taylor, Geneveive Case, Leola Baker, Gladys Rose, Edna Wright, Myrtie Titus, Belle Hine, David Smyth, Lawrence Bertholf, Ivan Quick, Maurice Packer, Floyd Titus, Walter Brown, Claude Titus. Teacher, Lillian Byram.
Friendsville - On Oct. 9th, work on the foundation of the new St. Francis church was begun. The pastor, Rev. B. V. Driscoll, is doing all in his power to further the undertaking and it is hoped that much of the work of excavating and stone drawing will be completed during the autumn and winter months. Photographer Bronson and daughter, Edith, of Montrose, were here Monday taking views of the old St. Francis church.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The Centre ball nine, with one rooter, crossed bats with the Sunnysides on the hill, on Sunday last. Scores 3 and 4 in favor of the hill team, although the center nine kicked on every decision or play except where it counted a tally for them. So I might say they kicked on everything. Redding and Fitz Patrick [Fitzpatrick] certainly deserve credit for their work as battery having no support only those who have not played in years.
Uniondale - Some sneak thieves visited Mrs. Shubal Carpenter's and helped themselves to 6 or 8 quart cans of strawberries. Mrs. Carpenter is an old lady and it is too bad, after she worked so hard to get them to have them stolen. Set your dog or shot gun on them.
Montrose - The question of gambling and gambling houses is prominent in Montrose just now. The names of several young men, (some not so very young and some mere boys) who are in the gambling habit and who gather at some of the hotels for the purpose, nightly, and Sundays, too, have been furnished. The names and the circumstances in the case are under consideration by interested parties and it is expected the proper authorities will do their duty. It is said that there is enough undoubted evidence to put some Montrose hotels out of business for permitting gambling.
Forest City - There was a riotous demonstration here last Sunday, in which Father L. Suchowski, pastor of the Polish Catholic church, was dragged out of his house by a disgruntled committee and subjected to mob spirit. Besides the priest, his housekeeper and her brother received like treatment. There is a faction in the church with whom Father Suchowski is unpopular and there is another faction loyal to him. Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Hoban was here on that day to dedicate another church, and before the riot occurred he conferred with a committee from the Polish church, with whom he said he would soon send a Polish priest who would hear their side of the story and would report to him. The committee would not be guided by the good advice of the bishop and not long afterward resorted to riot. On Monday forty warrants were sworn out against the offenders and a hearing took place.
Hallstead - "The Castle," the unique structure once the studio of D. Arthur Teed, but now being remodeled according to the plans and specifications set forth by Edwin R. Weeks, the renowned reciter, is a rare and artistic creation in the art of building and from a distance it resembles a Swiss chateau, nearly hidden in the forest of a charming hillside.
Auburn Four Corners - Herbert Fish, of Lynn, passed through this place driving a fine yoke of oxen which attracted more attention than an automobile which stopped later in the day. The auto had made 200 miles the day before, coming from Potter county and stopping at Mrs. Chas. Lott's.
Susquehanna - Saturday last the new chemical engine of this borough was introduced to the public. The fire companies marched, Town Council, Oakland Council and citizens rode in carriages, and the Susquehanna Band furnished the music. A race between the Hose Company's outfit and that of the Chemical Co., occurred at the finale. The course was from the town clock to Main street pagoda. The Chemical Engine team was that of Mr. Jack Palmer and that of the Hose Wagon was Jos. P. McMahon's. The latter team won by 10 seconds. In the evening a smoker occurred at Oxford Club rooms.
Franklin Forks - George W. Baron, of Union, has two teams drawing logs from the Banker farm to Great Bend, then they are shipped to Union.
Compiled By: Betty Smith