Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
October 17 1919/2019
Glenwood – John Felton, of South Harford, who was reported as being seriously injured by an angry bull, one day last week, has recovered and is out around. John had a very narrow escape.
Lynn – The husking bee that was to have been held at the home of C. O. Button, was a failure on account of the rainy weather, although quite a few gathered in the house and got away with quite a lot of pumpkin pies, cake and coffee for fear they might spoil before the weather cleared, so they might try it over again next time. ALSO R. B. Williams has the finest cow stable in town, it being newly concreted and white-washed, with up to date stanchions, etc. to match. His cows are justly proud of it and show their appreciation by filling the milk pails to overflowing.
Elkdale – Esther, the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee, of Elkdale, met death in an unfortunate manner shortly before the dinner hour Tuesday of last week. She was playing beneath a platform at the Elkdale creamery when it gave away, crushing the life out of the little tot, whose condition was discovered by her father who is engaged as a buttermaker at the creamery. Life was extinct when found.
Gelatt – Russell Howell and Sue Gelatt, both of this place, were united in marriage by Rev. O. J. Brush, last Wednesday morning. They are both members of the Baptist church and Sunday school here. They expect to take up their abode in Carbondale, where he is employed in the [railroad] shops.
Montrose – Frank Felker has accepted the agency for the Hupmobile and has an advertisement relative thereto in another column. The “Hub” is a very popular automobile and “Frank” will be pleased to arrange for demonstrations.
Great Bend – Mistaken for a deer while on the Syracuse College rifle range, near Watertown, Saturday, Oct. 4th, Nelson F. Jonas, of this place, was shot and killed by Peter Helfer, aged 50, an old-time hunter, according to an item appearing in the Transcript. Jonas was a forestry student at Syracuse, and was passing through the woods near the rifle range when Helfer shot him, thinking the moving object was a deer. Helfer has been exonerated by the coroner. Jonas entered Syracuse last March. ALSO It is expected that the preliminary work on the State road from Great Bend toward Oakland will be completed this fall. Engineer Birchard is now waiting orders from the Highway Department to start surveys. The contract between the county and Highway Department was signed several weeks ago.
Lake View – Twenty-five and probably more of the air ships, starting from New York for the Pacific coast, went a little north of this place. The writer saw and heard twenty-five planes. AND Jackson people counted thirty-two airplanes last week, sailing in the big trans-continental flight.
New Milford – September 30, 1919, occurred the death of William T. Ward, at his home in Saginaw, Mich. Mr. Ward was for many years a resident of New Milford, where he and his father conducted a general store nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel, now the Lewis House. In years gone by the Ward family was very prominently identified with the interests of New Milford. The residence of the late Col. C. C. Pratt was the Ward homestead. Of late years, however, the family has gradually left town until none now remain. The Ward name is always connected with the early history of the village. ALSO An automobile accident occurred Thursday on the New Milford road, when the car of mail carrier Stevens, of New Milford, collided with a market wagon belonging to Charles Stuart. Mr. Stuart and his wife, one daughter, his son, Roland, and Harold Banker were returning from Hallstead, when the accident happened. Mrs. Stuart, who was quite badly injured, was taken to the home of Arthur Banker and Dr. Merrell called to treat her. He found her nose fractured and several large cuts and bruises about the head and face. She was later taken to her home in Graham Hollow. Mr. Stuart and his daughter were also severely injured. Mr. Stevens and his son and a gentleman who was with them were thrown out of the car as it turned turtle, but they escaped uninjured.
Dimock – There seems to be a large crop of chestnuts in the woods this season by the way they come in the Dimock stores, paying 10 cents a pound for them. ALSO A large new bell has been placed on the graded school here, which is rung daily by the faithful janitor, George Howell. ALSO There seems to be more automobiles running on the roads now than wagons.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – Charles Smith, veteran of the Civil War, is reported dangerously ill at his home there, with no hopes of recovery, he being nearly 80 years of age.
Susquehanna – Susquehanna’s Foot Ball team came over to play a game with Montrose yesterday—and we might as well out with it—the score was 31 to 7, in favor of the visitors. The game, as arranged, was to be between the High School teams, but when the visitors showed up several appeared to be giants, and it was conjectured that these husky chaps saw little time inside a school room. This inclined the Montrosers to “augment” the strength of their team by substituting some players, a little heavier than the school boys, and this caused considerable friction between the teams. The visitors explained that all their players spent at least 15 hours a week in the school room, which, technically, permitted them to be termed “pupils.” The game was patched up and the game played. One hundred from Susquehanna came over to witness the game.
Little Meadows – The prettiest wedding took place at St. Thomas church at high noon, Sept. 30, 1919, when Miss Stella Bergin and Edward Butler were united in holy wedlock by Rev. J. J. McGuckin. About 3:30 o’clock the bride and groom took their departure for a trip to Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and neighboring cities, touring in their new Chalmers car. The bride was a school teacher here and the groom, formerly of this place, is in business in Endicott. They will make their home at 100 Monroe St., Endicott.
Crystal Lake – The Elkview Country Club has secured control of a tract of 60 acres of land on the south shore of Crystal Lake and an expert has laid out a golf course. Next spring the club will build a commodious club house on a site overlooking the lake and with a wonderful view toward Elk mountains. Prominent Carbondalians are behind the movement.
Thompson – We met a lady on the street the other day and asked her what she had for the paper this week: she replied, “nothing unless you tell them I am 87 years old and still able to travel and do my work.” Her name is Mrs. Anna Cuddleback and she lives on the second floor of Mrs. Cynthia Hubbard’s house on Jackson street. They are sisters-in-law.
Forest City – The Hillside Volunteer Hose company enjoyed their third annual dance in the Municipal hall, Tuesday evening. The music was fine and the fire laddies are to be congratulated upon the social and financial success of the event.
Compiled By: Betty Smith