Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed for the holidays on December 24th, 25th and January 1st
October 29 1909/2009
New Milford - The bake contest held at F. T .Austin's was an entire success. Prizes were awarded as follows: first prize, three sacks of flour, to Mrs. Bingam, of Jackson; second prize, two sacks of flour, to Mrs. D. Bennett, of New Milford; third prize, one sack, to Mrs. Corse, of Lakeside.
Susquehanna - Hallowe'en will be celebrated Saturday night. Chief McMahon states that no rowdyism will be tolerated and as long as masqueraders and others behave themselves they will not be molested. ALSO McClure's Magazine wants a man or woman in Susquehanna and vicinity to attend to its subscription interests. Whole or spare time. There is a liberal guaranteed salary. Experience desirable, not necessary. Profitable, permanent and pleasant business. Write today. McClure's Magazine, 42 East 23d St., New York City.
Rush - Rush has a flourishing High School this year, with some 90 pupils enrolled and the outlook is that the number will pass over the hundred mark before the close of the term.
Hop Bottom - Work has begun for the foundation of Hop Bottom National Bank.
Brooklyn - The funeral of Rev. G. B. Rogers was largely attended from the M. E. church. Gurdon B. Rogers was the son of Andrew and Silence Ely Rogers, who came from Connecticut about 1816 and settled west of here, where the subject of this sketch was born, Oct. 1, 1821. The home of his parents was made the home of the Methodist preachers as they traveled around the circuit. In those days they went "two by two," the Brooklyn circuit taking in most all the territory covered by the Binghamton district in this State. In 1838 we find Gurdon working in the large paper mill then located just below the village, and on Dec. 13, he made a profession of religion and united with the M. E. church. In 1842 he was called out by Rev. Erastus Smith to be an exhorter and in 1851 he was given a local preacher's license. Miss Juliana Tucker became his wife in 1844 and after her death he married Mrs. Celia Newton (in 1891). His field of usefulness had been in Susquehanna county and he served the charge at Dundaff, East Bridgewater, Alford, Hopbottom, Union and was a great help to the pastor at Brooklyn. Rev. Rogers was the able justice of the peace of Brooklyn and to him belongs the credit of the special road law which Brooklyn has enjoyed since 1872.
Fairdale - Tuesday, Nov. 2, being election day, the Ladies' Aid of the Fairdale M. E. church will serve one of their 25 cent dinners, to which all are cordially invited.
Forest City - The hall on the third floor of the borough building will be greatly improved when the changes now underway are completed. The large wooden posts have been replaced by iron ones, a steel-ceiling is being put in by Holl, of Scranton, and the walls have been plastered by Contractor Eicholzer.
Silver Lake - Potatoes have turned out better than expected. On Col. West's place nine potatoes were dug from one hill that weighed nearly nine lbs. and other large yields of potatoes are reported. However, no water in wells or springs yet. There are a few springs that are not dry and the owners kindly supply their neighbors, but it requires a long walk to reach these springs in some instances. ALSO Mr. Dayton, of Montrose, has moved to Silver Lake and will manage the Russell farm.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Jessie Wells' boy is sick with diphtheria, so there is no school at the Dunlap schoolhouse this week.
Lenoxville - A number of our farmers are having their buckwheat flour made in South Gibson. ALSO In West Lenox, many farmers are putting concrete floors in their barns.
Gelatt - While halter breaking a colt, Will Gelatt had the misfortune to break one and crack two of his ribs, but is getting along nicely under the care of Dr. Cole, of Jackson.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - E. Kelly drove to Binghamton with a load of ladies to spend a few days seeing the sights in town. ALSO There has been a new bell placed in the new St. John's church and was rung for the first time on Sunday.
Lawton - The young people of Rushville Sabbath school will hold a masquerade party at the home of G. L. Pickett, Lawton, Friday evening, Oct. 29th.
North Bridgewater - Legrand B. Gunn, of Everett, Wash., has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Gunn. Mr. Gunn went west about 20 years ago and took up government land near Seattle, which had heavy timber on it and proved to be valuable. Later he became a lawyer and has a successful practice in Everett, to which place he returned Saturday.
Montrose - A system of synchronizing clocks, operated by electricity, is being installed in Montrose this week. The master clock is located at F. D. Morris & Co.'s store and controls the system, the remaining five being located in the jewelry stores of F. B. Smith, E. J. Smith and E. H. True, in the commissioners' office at the court house, and the First National Bank. The correct Washington time is received each day at noon over the Western Union lines. If there is any variation from the correct time the clocks correct themselves automatically and they require no winding or other attention. ALSO As Hallowe'en falls on Sunday this year, the Annual Masquerade Dance at Colonial Hall will be held on next Monday evening, Nov. 1st, 1909. Music will be furnished by Mahon's Orchestra, and there will be many unique and interesting costumes. Admissions to gallery will be 10 cents as usual.
News Brief - Commissioners W. H. Tingley, A. J. Cosgriff and J. E. Hawley started out in wagons yesterday to deliver the ballots for Tuesday's election to the proper custodians in the numerous election districts. It is not an enjoyable trip, involving many miles of driving over rough roads, and is generally made in inclement weather. Each commissioner is assigned a certain section and all are glad when the trip is over. ALSO This is the time of the year when one is often reminded of a saying of Josh Billings, that the "only thing some underwear is good for, is to make a fellow scratch and forget his other troubles."
Compiled By: Betty Smith