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September 13 1907/2007

Montrose/Brooklyn, The Great Race continued from Aug. 23 100 Years.....They again put on the whip and reached the hotel in Brooklyn shortly after the Doctor, they having gone the distance a little over 7 miles, through the deep mud, in one hour and 5 minutes and the Doctor in two minutes less time. On their arrival, the Dr. came out of the hotel and started back, and they followed. They almost overtook him again near Col. Watrous's but he kept the lead in splendid style, although they received occasional reports from residents along the route, that he was riding with his brother. Some of them enquired if the Dr. was crazy. The Dr. and his brother deny that he rode, and the former alleged that there was no violation of the terms in his holding on to the buggy. While Post and Hinds were coming down the hill by the "Dunn place" the Dr. was ascending the opposite hill, and they reached town about 20 minutes after he did. The case was referred to arbitrators, viz. W. K. Hatch, F. Fraser, and J. F. Dunmore, who met the next evening, but from the absence of material witnesses, or other causes, adjourned for the oysters, and continued the case till the following evening. After several similar adjournments and much difficulty with refractory witnesses, who could not find it convenient to attend the court, but were always on hand to help discuss the oysters, the case was finally decided in the Doctor's favor, Fraser dissenting; and it is expected that hereafter the doctor will drive the sorrel in his rounds to visit his patients, except in cases of emergency, when he will go afoot.

Lawton - This is the day of the Lawton Fair. With the big rains of this week, it looked more likely that they would have boat races than any other kind of amusement. But, yesterday afternoon the wind changed to the west and looked more formidable. D. D. Lathrop, C. E., has been here and staked out a trotting course for the Lawton Agricultural Club. The course is one-third mile, with [an] 18 foot road bed.

Montrose - Montrose ought to have day service electric lights. Such dark afternoons as Monday, last, they are needed about as much as evenings.

Gibson - Galen Tingley has gone to Flushing, L.I., where he will teach in the Kyle Institute.

Upsonville, Franklin Twp. - Fred Dearborn has fitted up a very nice wagon to carry the school children from Upsonville to the East school.

Hopbottom - The new building that the creamery company is erecting out of concrete blocks will be nearly fireproof and cost about $20,000.

Lakeside/Clifford/Susquehanna/Harford - At Lakeside, on Monday, the large farm barn of Mrs. John Stoddard was struck by lightning and burned with its contents, there being no insurance. The bolt of lightning struck the building shortly after six, before the evening chores were done and the fire was not discovered until eight. In Elkdale, Clifford township, three large barns and their contents, owned by Wallace Watkins, were set on fire [by lightning] and destroyed. There being no insurance, it was a total loss to the owner. In the vicinity of Susquehanna damage, it is said, of $25,000 was occasioned. Among the losses are the dwelling house of Daniel Nicholson, between Susquehanna and Great Bend; the large farm barn of Judson Davis, near Windsor, totally destroyed with 50 tons of hay--loss $1,500, partly covered by insurance and the barn of Edward Griggs, damaged by lightning, but not insured. In Harford, Alonzo Tiffany's barn was struck by lightning and burned. He was badly burned about the face while trying to rescue a horse.

Clifford - Clifford's nuptial event, to take place at N. E. Gardner's, Wednesday, Sept 11, when Miss Kate Gardner and John Knickerbocker are to be united in marriage, is the present talk of our town. About 200 inhabitants [were] issued plenty of rice and old shoes for luck.

Kingsley - Our school house is nearing completion after having another story added and repainted inside and out.

Lenox - Porter Hunt came very near being killed in a run-a-way accident Saturday, because of too much fire-water.

Hallstead - The residence of J. G. McCreary was struck by lightning on Wednesday, the bolt following the chimney into the living room. Mrs. McCreary was rendered unconscious by the shock and it was only after much effort that the physicians succeeded in reviving her. The children also sustained lesser shocks, while the floor was badly torn up and articles of furniture damaged.

Harford Fair, 50th Anniversary - You all must attend the first day of the fair, Sept. 25th. At 11 a.m. a dedication service for Rev. Lyman Richardson's new monument, costing $500, will take place in the cemetery. Profs. Hine and Thacher, scripture and prayer, and Rev. Charles M. Tower, of Oneida, N.Y., the address. In the afternoon the founders of the society yet living, and all who were present at the first fair, together with those who have attended nearly every one since, will be assembled and fitting services and short speeches from each will be the order of the day. The drum corps will give the flavor of old time music. As for the second day, the last day, we cannot begin to tell you all now.

Birchardville - On Sept 7th, the postmaster here received notice that the Rural Free Delivery Route, from this place, which has been pending since last spring, has been granted. The proposed route covers nearly all the territory south and west of Birchardville, and will serve mail to nearly 400 patrons. It is rather longer than most of the R.F.D. routes, being 25 1/2 miles long.

Forest City - Another detachment of four men of the state constabulary [police] arrived in town Monday. They are stopping at the Forest House. The men are mounted, uniformed in black, with patent leather leggings and wear helmets, presenting a natty appearance.

South New Milford - George Keeney has put in several kinds of cow stanchions and would be pleased to show the farmers how they work. He will take orders for any kind.

Elk Lake - July 3, 1865, Co. C., 203d Regt., Pennsylvania Volunteers, was discharged from the United States service and not until the last eight years have they met as an organization. On Sept 4th, they met at Elk Lake in Grange Hall. The day being stormy but few of the old veterans assembled. Lt. A. B Stevens, whom many of the boys had not seen since 1865, made the trip from his home to greet them. And the boys were immensely pleased to see him. Experiences were related until the dinner call sounded, when the boys did the "square thing" to a "square" meal served by the Ladies' Aid. The officers elected were: President, Josiah Fuller; Secretary and Treasurer, S. O. Culver; James Daughterty and Hiram Hosford were admitted as honorary members.

News Briefs: Railroad statistics show that about 25,000 tramps were killed on the different railroads in the United States last year. Nearly as many more were injured. AND Real estate about the village of Conyngham, Luzerne county, has gone up a peg or two on account of the reviving of an old Indian legend. It has been handed down for many generations that an Indian warrior once boasted that if the white man only knew what a store of wealth was hidden between the Sugarloaf and Nescopeck mountains, he would refuse to sell the land.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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