Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 17 1909/2009
Ararat Summit - L. O. Baldwin is undergoing treatment for cancer of the neck which is being removed by the use of plasters. Dr. A. L. Craft, of Herrick, is the attending physician. Mr. Baldwin's condition at this writing seems very promising for a successful cure.
Franklin - The Webster reunion will be held September 18th, at the Old Homestead where the first Webster lived that settled in this vicinity. The place is now occupied by J. C. B. H. Webster.
Flynn - The party who took five turkeys out of a neighbor's flock had better return them and save trouble.
Hallstead - Frank Tingley, James Kirby, B. L. Maynard, Charles Austin and Patrick Berry attended a meeting of [railroad] engineers in Buffalo.
Brooklyn - Miss Hattie D. Lee is on an extended visit to Washington, D. C. as a guest of her brother, Willis Lee, who has a fine position in the government department of surveying the mineral lands of the west.
Montrose - While driving one of the Keough ice wagons, Jay Hawley met with a most distressing accident. While delivering ice at the Misses O'Neill, on South Main street, the big wagon ran over a stump or a block of wood, which threw him off the wagon and to the ground and at same time he became entangled in the lines, which drew him under the wheels, breaking his leg below the knee in two places and crushing the foot. He was taken into the O'Neill home and Dr. Birchard summoned, who reduced the fracture.
Lenox - J. H. Langley is in the Simon H. Barnes Memorial Hospital, in Susquehanna, after a thrilling experience. He was working in a saw mill at New Milford, planning some boards. His right hand came in contact with the large circular saw badly lacerating it. Despite medical aid the wound bled profusely and fearing that the man would bleed to death he was taken to the hospital. The trip of 9 miles was made in record-breaking time. It was necessary to amputate the thumb and index finger of the right hand. ALSO Emulous Pickering died suddenly at his home near Glenwood on Sept. 7. Deceased was a well known resident, having been born in that vicinity 78 years ago and in his younger days was a noted raftsman, being considered one of the hardiest and strongest men of that time. He was also a veteran of the Civil War [Co. A & C, 161st Regiment] and held an excellent war record. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. Arthur Cook and Mrs. Isaac Ferguson and two brothers Ephriam and Gaylord Pickering.
New Milford - A. C. Risley has purchased the hardware stock of Chas. O'Byrne here. Mr. O'Byrne will continue in the tinware and plumbing business at the same place.
Hallstead - The Hallstead Fire company received a check for $25 from the citizens of Foster [Hopbottom] for their valuable assistance in fighting a fire in that place a short time ago.
Dundaff - Messrs. Harry Fike, Niles Race, Harold Stevens and Mesdames Fay Fike, Ethel Race and June Coleman are attending school at Carbondale. What's the matter with a graded school here? The location is the best.
Jackson - D. D. Dunn and son have put a new gasoline engine in their wagon shop. Besides having a large engine in their woodshop, they will now have a smaller one to run the machinery in the blacksmith shop.
Parkvale, Dimock Twp. - There was quite a large drove of cows that passed through Parkvale on their way to Montrose, last week.
Choconut - They are building a much needed bridge at the foot of the hill by the Chalker school house. The Chalker school opened last week, with Miss Susie Murphy as teacher.
Little Meadows - Prof. E. Beardslee, brother of Miss Verna I. Beardslee, of Montrose, has accepted the principalship of the Montgomery Academy at Montgomery, N.Y. Mr. Beardslee for the past year was principal of the Great Bend schools.
Birchardville - An acetylene gas lighting plant has just been installed in Clark D. Dayton's residence at Birchardville by J. J. Watrous, of Montrose, the representative for this section. This method of lighting is gaining in favor in town and rural localities and is being quite generally adopted by progressive people.
Clifford - Glen Bennett started on Tuesday for Massachusetts to take up his school duties.
Hopbottom - It is said that Mrs. E. M. Tiffany has donated the lot for the new bank building in this borough.
Susquehanna - William Clark, aged 30, committed suicide by taking carbolic acid at the home of Charles Finkel. Clark put into execution his threats of several occasions that he would end his life if Mrs. Finkel, with whom he had become enamored, did not elope with him. This she had steadfastly refused to do. Clark was a one-legged man and came to Susquehanna from Afton, NY about 1 1/2 years ago. He boarded at the Finkel home, supporting himself by doing odd jobs about town. Prior to his death he told his landlady that he murdered a girl at Afton some time ago and he had thrown her body into Afton Lake saying, "If anything happens to me during the next few days you can tell the police that I killed Bertha and threw her body into the lake. Everybody at Afton will know what I mean." Upon checking his story most Afton residents appeared to be dense on the subject and knew nothing about the disappearance of a girl named Bertha.
Forest City - The Forest House has received a new electric advertising sign which will, when swung to its moorings, attract the attention of all visitors to the town. It is 6 x 8 feet and will contain 128 lights.
Compiled By: Betty Smith