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September 18 1891/1991

Susquehanna - Spiritualistic séances are being held in town by an Oneonta lady and gentleman. AND A 60-ton locomotive has just been completed in the Erie shops here and was run on a trial trip to Binghamton on Saturday. This is the first of a number of this class to be constructed here for passenger service.

Gibson - Thundershowers and hail, afternoon of Sept. 13. Lightening struck the Universalist Church, setting it on fire. Prompt work saved it. The same building was struck by lightening on Sept. 18, 1873.

Harford - We counted the strokes of the tolling bell announcing the death of Mrs. Wilcox, 90 years, struck off by tens. It brought vividly to mind the stricking of the age of Abel Read, Sr., in our boyhood, who died Nov 28, 1857, age 89. The custom of announcing death in this manner is well-nigh obsolete.

Springville- The ladies have appointed Tuesday next for the cleaning of the Methodist Church and if they could only remove the whole structure and put a new one in its place it would be the best job of cleaning they ever did.

Montrose - Montrose now has abundant means of communication with the outside world; the Western Union Telegraph, the local telephone, the long distance telephone, the Narrow Gauge Railroad connecting with the Lehigh Valley at Tunkhannock and the Lackawanna and Montrose Railroad, standard gauge, connecting with the DL & W at Alford.

Clifford - Hiram Rivenburgh is taking down his old house that he occupied previous to his building a new one and is converting it into a coal and wood house.

News Briefs - Literature has been put back into the ninth-grade course of study, while Arithmetic, to ensure thorough work, is continued in the 10th.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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