Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 19 1902/2002
Montrose - The trustees of the A.M.E. Zion church are having electric lights put in the church and are painting and having window shades hung. They are asking the aid of the good citizens in this work. They wish to raise $150 and have authorized Rev. Dawson Edwards to solicit this aid. William Spence, Chairman; Chas. VanRansallar, Acting Sec.; Hamilton Young; Rev. Dawson Edwards; I. B. Walters, Pastor. AND There are over 40 dressmakers in Montrose Boro.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna has one of the finest public libraries in this section of the State-and it doesn't cost Carnegie a red cent. The membership is the largest in its history, 185. AND The season in Hogan Opera House will open on Saturday evening by the presentation of "The Middleman." Manager Doherty will take charge of the House for another year.
Lawsville - The annual reunion of the Hill family was held at the home of G. W. Meeker. The Hill family is noted for their musical talent and many brought their instruments and joined the Lawsville band in producing fine music. Lydia Rogers recited an address of welcome. There were 67 present. F. VanHouten photographed the group.
Rush - Edward Hoag of Birchardville, has taken charge of the wheelwright department in Hickok's blacksmith shop.
North Jackson - Miss Nora Hill, daughter of Dr. T. C. Hill, of Lake View, and Miss Ida Larrabee, daughter of Geo. Larrabee of North Jackson, are enrolled as students at Wyoming Seminary. AND Dr. Clayton Washburn, a son of C.D. Washburn, Esq., of Lake View, and a graduate of the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, has located in Susquehanna for the practice of his profession.
Dimock - J. M. Crisman can now be seen daily driving to the milk station as in times past; may he live a to a good old age is the wish of the writer. AND H. D. Johnson drives a fine surry.
South Auburn - Dana Winans is employed in the iron works at Johnstown. Mrs. Winans is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Place.
Forest City - Henry Box was awarded the contract for the erection of Mr. Joseph's new brick building on the corner of Main and Depot streets. The contract price is $4,350. AND T. C. Manzer was removed to Dr. Wheeler's private hospital at Carbondale, and his leg was operated on by Dr. Reed Burns, assisted by Drs. Wheeler and Knapp. His many friends will be pleased to learn the operation was successful.
Lawton - The people who went down to Lawton, Wednesday of last week, to see Judge Pennypacker, Republican candidate for governor, didn't see him. He was not there. AND The fair held on the park the 10th was successful. There being about 120 people. The day was enlivened by ball games, foot races and music by the Sylvara [Silvara] band. There was a goodly exhibit of agricultural and domestic articles. Altogether, the fair was a success and we hope for a repetition next year.
New Milford - G.H. Edwards and wife have removed from Clarks Summit to New Milford and will engage in the bakery and restaurant business in the building formerly occupied by Mr. Fancher. AND At the ball game in New Milford, Thursday of last week, with Montrose, there was a slight misunderstanding over the way the Montrose players, it is alleged, were interfered with, and a "mix-up" occurred, in which there were some good natured love-taps given and received, and a few black eyes resulting, followed by one or two arrests.
South Montrose - Mr. & Mrs. Percy Balentine, of Scranton, are planning to occupy D. R. Lathrop's furnished residence on South Main St., while the big Balentine home on the Parke farm here, is being built. Mrs. Balentine was formerly Bessie Parke, of Montrose.
Glenwood - Our school teacher, Miss Mildred Nichols, is doing good work. The pupils all like her, but she is here for the benefit of the children.
Gibson - The ball game between Brushville and Gibson, which was to come off the 12th, at Gibson, has been postponed. The idea of charging ten cents admission to the ball grounds does not take well in Gibson.
Silver Lake - The wedding of Miss Jane Gillooly and John Kanane occurred at 11 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 10th, in St. Augustine's Church, Silver Lake. Father J. J. Lally officiated. Miss Mary Heavy, of Binghamton, was bridesmaid and Frank Kanane was best man. The bride wore blue silk and crepe with white appliqué and a white hat trimmed with chiffon and taffeta and white tips. The bridesmaid wore white organdie and black hat. Mr. and Mrs. Kanane will reside at King's Point, L. I. after a western trip.
News Briefs - It has been discovered that the grounds of coffee, after the liquid, are excellent to mix with the earth used in flowerpots. They keep the earth moist and facilitate blossoming. It is astonishing how many things are wasted for which, if we only knew, there is a valuable use. AND Susquehanna County Fair Notes: Mrs. C. E. Roberts received first premium on best bread made from Bissell's flour, Mrs. J. B. Sheen second. Best bread from J. C. Harrington's Crown flour, Mrs. J. B. Sheen; Annie Andre, second. Best bread from Snow's Gold Dust flour, Laura Shelp. Best bread from J. L. Quailey's Superlative flour, Mrs. M. E. Mahon. Best from Duluth Imperial flour offered by Lyons Company, Franklin Forks, Mrs. B. A. Oakley. The cattle classes were well filled. Some of the largest exhibitors in this class were L. B. Miller, Lathrop, Shorthorns; B. F. Jones, South Montrose and Banker Brothers, Upsonville, Devons; L. T. Birchard & Sons, Birchardville, and D. O. Turrell, Upsonville, fine exhibitions of thoroughbred Jerseys; Dr. J. F. Butterfield, South Montrose, had a large exhibition of Ayrshires. Holsteins were the largest class-55 head, being on exhibition. F. S. Wells, South Montrose, captured the larger part of the prizes in this class; also his stock took premiums for best herd of any breed. G. F. Decker, of South Montrose, A. E. Robinson and Patrick & Bennett, had fine specimens of this breed. The Ladies of St. Mary's Church served an excellent dinner to between 500 and 600 persons. It required 300 lbs. of beef to satisfy voracious appetites. AND Mules are being returned to the Lackawanna coal mines from Susquehanna Co. farms.
Compiled By: Betty Smith