Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
Susquehanna County Map

For more information on a Township, just click on the name of the one you are looking for, located on either side of the map.
Apolacon Township
Little Meadows United Methodist Church Located on Rt. 0858
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Located on Rt. 4018
A Baptist church was organized in 1816 by Davis Dimock, but in 1845 the congregation moved two miles north of Little Meadows to the New York Baptist church.
The Methodist Episcopal meetings were held as early as 1809. About 1819 the first class was formed and on the 16th of July 1844, the church became a corporate body and the following year a plain meetinghouse was built and improved in 1865 and 1884.
The First Presbyterian Church of Little Meadows incorporated September 2, 1878. The church was dedicated June 1878.
St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church of Little Meadows was securing funds in 1886 to build a church. The church opened in 1887. Prior to that the area was part of the parish of St. Francis Xavier in Friendsville. (St. Thomas the Apostle is now closed and it has become part of St. Brigid Parish, which is located at St. Francis Xavier in Friendsville)
A Presbyterian layman conducted early services but no further information was found.
Maplewood Cemetery, Cemetery Rd., Little Meadows Borough
St. Thomas Cemetery, located on Rt. 858, Little Meadows Borough
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - (2) Borough of Little Meadows (H. Barney & N. Deuel); Dist. #3 (M.C.)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Apolacon Creek - Borough of Little Meadows
HOTELS - Newman House (M. Newman)
LAKES - Lake of Meadow - Dist. #2; Carmalt Lake or Wyalusing Lake - Dist. #6
POST OFFICES - Borough of Little Meadows (Store & P.O.); Dist. #1
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Borough of Little Meadows (N. Deuel)
SCHOOLS - Borough of LIttle Meadows; Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3, Dist. #4; Dist. #5STORES - (2) Borough of Little Meadows (Store & P.O. and Grocery - G.R. Garfield); Dist. #3
Briar Hill, Dist. #5Cooper Sh., Borough of Little MeadowsHarness Shop, Borough of Little Meadows (S. Beardslee)Mill, Borough of Little Meadows (G. Palmer) and Dist. #1Town House, Dist. #6
Place Names, Old and New
Apolacon Township was formed on 27 Nov 1864. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Apolacon, former post office.
Bow Bridge, neighborhood, east central.
Little Meadows, post office, incorporated as a borough 23 Jan 1860. Pop. 213 in 1900. This locality was so named early to distinguish it from the marsh two and one half miles north, named "Big Meadow." At one time a railroad line was planned to connect Little Meadows to the Erie Railroad at Appalachin, NY, but it was never built.
Nixon, former post office, closed 31 Jul 1909 (mail routed through Little Meadows P.O.); west central part, close to border with Bradford Co.
Ararat Township
Burnwood Bible Church Located in Burnwood
East Ararat Methodist Church Located on Rt.0370
United Methodist Church, formerly Presbyterian building Located on Rts. T740 & T659
Ararat Congregational Presbyterian Church, est. April 22, 1813, church built in 1850. In 1878 the charter was amended changing the name to the First Presbyterian Church of Ararat.
East Ararat Methodist class est. 1830, church built in 1871
Ararat Methodist Church, est. 1842, church built in 1873
Ararat Methodist Church Cemetery, on T740
Baldwin Burying Ground, on T741, private property
Burnwood Cemetery, located on T739 on private property
East Ararat Cemetery, off T728 & 370
Small Cemetery, (Williams, Larrabee, Baldwin), NW Ararat Twp., location unknown
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - Dist. #1; Dist. #3
LAKES - Dunn Lake - Dist. #1; Fiddle Lake - Dist. #5
PONDS - Dist. #1POST OFFICES - Dist. #2
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #1 (Fletcher & Cawrse); Dist. #5 (D. A. Walker)
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; (2) Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5
Railroads - Jefferson Branch of Erie R. R., Dist. #1, Dist. #2, Dist. #3 Summit, Dist. #2
Place Names, Old and New
Ararat Township was formed on 21 Aug 1852. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Ararat Summit Station, former railroad station.
Ararat, former post office, closed 30 May 1969 (mail routed through Thompson P.O.); former telegraph station and express office; pop. 400 in 1900.
Burnwood, former post office, closed 14 Feb 1908 (mail routed through Uniondale P.O.); former railroad station; pop. 400 in 1900.
East Ararat, hamlet in the southeast corner
Auburn Township
Auburn Center (Bullock Hall) vacant church located on Rt. 267
Jersey Hill Baptist Church located on Rt. 267
Retta United Methodist Church located on Rt. 3004
St. Boniventure Catholic Church located on Rt. 3001
South Auburn Methodist Church located on Rt. 3005
Transue Community Church located on Rt. 3003
West Auburn Baptist Church located on Rt. 367
Auburn Baptist Church, Est. Aug. 2, 1817. Meetinghouse built in 1855.
South Auburn Baptist Church, est. 1848. Meetinghouse built in 1859.
Methodist Episcopal Church of South Auburn, incorp April 16, 1850. Meeting-house Built in 1848.
West Auburn Methodist Episcopal Church, incorp. Jan. 24, 1868.
Auburn Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, formed Feb. 27, 1858 and incorp. Aug. 24, 1864,
Methodist Episcopal Church at Auburn Four Corners, erected in 1880-81.
Auburn Centre Methodist Episcopal Church, dedicated Nov. 10, 1886
Methodist Protestant Church, erected before 1849, incorp. Aug. 5, 1880.
First Presbyterian Church in Auburn, incorp. April 24, 1854. Disbanded shortly after.
St. Bonaventure Church (Roman Catholic). Small church built after 1840
Auburn Center, south on 267, 1 to 2 miles on left- one stone
Auburn Four Corners Cemetery, Rt. 3004/57012
Bolles Cemetery, Rt. 57006 between West and South Auburn
Bunnell Cemetery, Rt. T333
Cooley Hill Cemetery, Rt. 3005
Emory LaFrance Farm Cemetery, West Auburn, private property
Green Cemetery. Rt. 3005 and 3001
Jersey Hill Cemetery, Rt. 267
Old Grave Yard, South Auburn, Rt. 3001W of 267
Pickett Hill Cemetery (formerly Frink Cemetery), north of Auburn 4 Corners
Retta United Methodist Church Cemetery, Rt. 3004 and T302
St. Bonaventure Cemetery, Rt. 3001E of 267
West Auburn Methodist Church Cemetery, T337, off 367
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACKSMITH SHOPS - Auburn Four Corners P.O. Dist. (Hall & Ace); (2) Dist. #5; Dist. #6 (P.R. & M.M.); Dist. #8 (R. Carter); Dist. #9; Dist. #10
CREEKS/BROOKS - Little Meshoppen Creek - Dist. #5, Cartertown Dist., Dist. #10; Low Creek - Dist. #11; Pochuck Creek - Dist. #13; Riley Creek - Dist. #11, Dist. #12, Dist. #2, Dist. #1, Dist. #6, Auburn Four Corners P.O. Dist.; Tuscarora Creek - Dist. #8, Dist. #9, Cartertown Dist.; White Creek - Dist. #12
GRIST MILLS - Dist. #10
HOTELS - Bennett's Hotel, Dist. #5; Hotel, Auburn Four Corners P.O. Dist. (J. D. Linabery)
PONDS - Border Cartertown Dist. & Dist #5
POST OFFICES - Dist. #10 (Store & P.O. - Chas. Jayne); Aurburn Four Corners P.O. Dist. (Store & P.O.)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #5, Dist. #6, Dist. #8, Dist. #9, (2) Dist. #10, Dist. #11
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; (2) Dist. #8; Dist. #10, Dist. #11, Dist. #12, Dist. #13; Cartertown Dist.
STORES - Dist. #5 (W. White); Dist. #10 (Store & P.O. - Chas. Jayne); Auburn Four Corners P.O. Dist. (Store & P.O.)
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Dist. #10
Black Walnut Road, Dist. #5, Dist. #2, Dist. #6, Auburn Four Corners P.O. Dist.
C. Sh., Dist. #8
Cooley Hill, Dist #10
Feed Mill, Border Cartertown Dist. & Dist. #5
Flagstone Quarries - Dist. #5, Dist #6; (2) Dist. #9, Dist. #10, Auburn Four Corners P.O. Dist.# Unnamed dist. bottom left corner
Sand Stone Quarry, Dist. #1
Springs - Dist. #1, (3) Dist. #5, (4) Dist. #2
Taylor Hill - Dist. #10 & Dist. #13
Place Names, Old and New
Auburn Township was formed during the April Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1814. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Auburn Center, post office from 5 Nov 1852 to 31 May 1909 (mail routed through Meshoppen P.O.); pop. 35 in 1900. Abraham Waltman had the first store there, before 1840.
Auburn Four Corners, post office at the intersection of two old highways, from 12 Dec 1832 and to 30 Jun 1915 (mail routed through Springville P.O.). First permanent settler was John Passmore, of Rhode Island, in 1806. Pop. 70 in 1900.
Doolittle, former post office, closed 20 May 1904 (mail routed through Meshoppen P.O.); pop. 25 in 1900.
Retta, post office from 1880 to 30 Jun 1910 (mail routed through Rushboro P.O.). Settled by the sons of Hiram Carter, David, Daniel, and Henry. Retta was formerly called "Cartertown." Pop. 60 in 1900.
Rushboro, former post office, closed 28 Feb 1914 (mail routed through West Auburn P.O.).
Shannon Hill, principle hill in the township. The first clearing on the hill was made in 1831 by William Overfield.
Auburn, post office from 12 Dec 1832 to 31 Dec 1907 (mail routed through Meshoppen P.O.). First settled in 1805 by Thomas Wheeler and Hiram Carter, both of Wyoming Co., PA. The first goods were sold out of a boxcar by a man named Baker. Pop. 50 in 1900.
Transue, post office, on Taylor Hill (one of the principle hills in the twp. and named after a local family), from Oct 1897 to 31 Dec 1907 (mail routed through Meshoppen P.O.).
West Auburn, located on the Tuscarora Creek. Formerly called "New Laceyville" because it was settled by members of the Lacey family. The first home was built by Eli Billings, later owned by Edwin J. Lacey since 1844. Post office from 25 Mar 1840 to 30 Apr 1934 (mail routed through Skinners Eddy P.O.); pop. 150 in 1900.
Bridgewater Township
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) located on Rt. 706
East Bridgewater Community Church located on Rt. 167
Evangelical Free Church located at Montrose Bible Conference
Heart Lake United Methodist Church located on Rt. 706
Jehovah's Witness located on Rt. 706
South Montrose Community Church located on Rt. 29
Methodist Episcopal Church at East Bridgewater - This church was erected in 1878. Religious services were held as early as 1820 for Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians.
Churches Located in Montrose Borough
United Methodist Church located on Rt. 706/ Church St.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church located on Rt. 706/60 Church St.
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church located at 29 S. Main St.
First Presbyterian Church located on Rt. 706/Church St.
First Baptist Church (Bridgewater Baptist) located on Rt. 706/Church St.
African Methodist Church located on Berry St. (vacant but in the process of restoration)
Seventh Day Adventist located on Jackson St.
Montrose Christian Fellowship Church located on Jackson St.
Bridgewater Baptist - The first gospel sermon was preached by Elder Davis Dimock on March 30, 1807. On April 9, 1808 the group was organized into a Church of Christ, built in 1829. [A new edifice was dedicated March 2, 1900].
The First Presbyterian Church - Occasional services were held as far back as 1802. The congregation was organized in 1810 and the first church was dedicated on June 26, 1826. The second edifice was dedicated February 5th, 1862.
A Congregational church was organized July 3, 1810 and later changed to the Presbyterian form of government.
Methodist Episcopal Church of Montrose. The old Bridgewater circuit was organized in 1813 but it was not until 1841 that a society was formed by the Oneida Conference. The first place of worship was the old courthouse. The first house of worship was built in 1845. The new building was dedicated May 16, 1875.
The Universalists also met in the first courthouse. A Society was organized in 1831 and the church was dedicated on July 11, 1844. Before 1887 it was converted into a skating rink. [The building served many purposes, the last being offices for various county services. The building was torn down in 1988 and was commonly known as "Colonial Hall." Two columns, bases and capitols are on display in the Historical Society).
The Roman Catholics first celebrated mass at the home of Peter Byrne in 1840. They purchased the old Episcopal church and worshipped there until the new church [Holy Name of Mary] was built, the cornerstone being laid on September 3, 1886.
Zion Church was first organized in 1844 by former slaves. The first church was built about 1847 and the next about 1859.
Bethel Church was built by former slaves. It was first organized about 2 miles beyond Montrose and an 1850 map shows a structure on Chenango Street, Montrose.
Bush Family Cemetery, Bush Road T602
Cole Cemetery, Rt. 706E, private property
East Bridgewater Cemetery, Rt. 167 & T24
Foster Cemetery (Williams Pond)
Griffing Farm Cemetery, Heart Lake
Holbrook Farm Cemetery, North Bridgewater
Holy Name of Mary, Montrose, Rt. 167
McKeeby Cemetery, 3029 between Fairdale and South Montrose
Montrose Cemetery, Rt. 706W and Montrose Borough
North Bridgewater Cemetery, Rt. 4003
South Montrose Cemetery, Rt. 29 south.
William's Pond Cemetery, T593 (previously called Stone Bridge and Potter Cemetery)
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS - Dist. #2, (2) Dist. #14
CREEKS/BROOKS - Wolf Creek, Dist. #6
GRIST MILLS - Dist. #10 (S. R. Searle)
LAKES - Jones Lake, Dist. #10
PONDS - Dist. #3
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist #9; Dist. #10
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11; Dist. #12; Dist. #13; Dist. #14; Dist. #15
Brick Kiln, Dist. #6 (N. O. Passmore)
Cab. Shop, Dist. #1
Cheese Factory, Dist. #14
County Fair Grounds. Dist. #8
Poor Asylum, Dist. #8
Railroads - Montrose Railway, Dist. #1, Dist. #3, Dist. #5, Dist. #8, Dist. #10, Dist. #14
Toll House, Dist. #10
Woolen Mill, Dist. #10 (J. W. Mott)
Place Names, Old and New
Bridgewater Township was formed during the November Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1806. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Cool Station, former railroad station.
East Bridgewater, former post office.
Fisk Mill, neighborhood in North Bridgewater. There was a mill, just north of the Bridgewater twp. line, on Silver Creek. Asa Mill erected the first mill there in 1853 and built a water-powered sawmill. The mill has had many subsequent owners.
Heart Lake, former post office, closed 30 Apr 1935 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.); former railroad station and express office; pop. 50 in 1900.
Montrose, county seat. Incorporated from Bridgewater Twp as a borough 29 Mar 1824. The first courthouse was built in 1813. A new courthouse, at its present location at the top of Public Avenue, was built on part of a 10-acre tract donated to the borough for public use. Today, this tract, which also includes the old county jail and the village green, is on the National Register of Historic Places. Two other structures in Montrose, the J.R. Lyons home and the former Silver Lake Bank (now headquarters of the nonprofit organization Center for Anti-Slavery Studies), are also on the National Register. Montrose at one time had two railroad depots, one for the Lehigh Valley RR, which came from Tunkhannock; and the other for the DL&W RR, which came from Alford.
South Montrose, post office; former railroad station; pop. 100 in 1900.
Tiffany (also called Tiffany's Corner), former post office, closed 31 Jan 1909 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.); former train station.
Brooklyn Township
Alfred Calvary Baptist Church located on Rt. 2032
Brooklyn First Universalist Church located on Maple St., Brooklyn
Brooklyn United Methodist Church located in Brooklyn
Congregational meetings were held as early as 1799.
The Second Congregational Church of Bridgewater was organized in Brooklyn on Aug. 7, 1810. The government was changed to Presbyterian on Sept. 20, 1823. The first church was dedicated Nov. 6, 1829 and later removed to a residence. The Second church was dedicated Feb. 14, 1872.
The Methodist-Episcopal Church building of 1813 was the first in the township. It was taken down in 1830 and a larger edifice was built. This building was remodeled in 1867.
The First Universalist Church was built on the hill east of the village in 1824, and was dedicated Nov. 25, 1825. In 1872 the old church was taken down after a new church was built in the village.
The Baptist, Episcopalian, Catholic and Unitarian beliefs have had representatives in the township.
Brooklyn Cemetery, new & old, Rt. 2015
Newton Hill Cemetery, Rt. T548
Perkins/Dennis Family Cemetery, Private Property
Squier Cemetery, T408 off Rt. 11 on Brooklyn/Lathrop Twp. line
Universalist or Brooklyn Hill, Rt. 2024
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- (3) Town of Brooklyn (M. McVicar, J. Potts, N.J. Vargason); (3) Mack Corners Dist. (includes one for S. Westbrook); Peckham Dist. (G. Q. Palmer)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Dry Creek - Peckham Dist. & unnamed dist. bottom right corner; Hop Bottom Creek - Morgan Dist., Factory Dist., Tewksbury Dist.; Horton Creek - Mack Corners Dist.; Martin Creek - Tewksbury Dist., Freedale Dist.; Town of Montrose Depot, & Montroe Depot; P. O. Dist., unnamed dist. bottom right corner; Meshoppen Creek - Chestnut Hill Dist.
GRIST MILL - Chestnut Hill Dist.; Factory Dist.
HOTELS - Brooklyn Hotel (J. O. Bullard)
PONDS - Fish Pond & South Pond - Chestnut Hill Dist.; Factory Dist.
POST OFFICES - Town of Brooklyn; Peckham Dist.; VanAuken Dist.
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Factory Dist.; Freedale Dist.
SCHOOLS - Town of Brooklyn; Brooklyn P. O. Dist.; Chestnut Hill Dist.; Factory Dist.; Freedale Dist.; Mack Corners Dist.; Morgan Dist.; Peckham Dist.; Tewksbury Dist.; VanAuken Dist.
STORES - (3) Town of Brooklyn (D. A. & A. Titsworth, Kent & Eldridge, O. M. Doloway)
WAGON SHOPS - Town of Brooklyn
Carding & Feed Mill, Chestnut Hill Dist.
Sh. (Shops) - Factory Dist. (Cabinet Maker - E. Otto); Town of Brooklyn & Brooklyn P.O. Dist. (Cooper Sh. - L. Titsworth, Kent & Eldridge, O. M. Doloway)
Spring, Freedale Dist.
Steam Furniture Factory, Mack Corners Dist. (Mack Furniture)
Tan Yd., Peckham Dist.
Turnpike - Chestnut Hill Dist. (Milford-Owego Turnpike also runs through Brooklyn)
Place Names, Old and New
Brooklyn Township. The township was formed during the April Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1814 and was originally called "Waterford." From 1823 to 1825, it was called "Hop Bottom." It was renamed "Brooklyn" in 1825. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Brooklyn, post office; pop. 529 in 1900.
East Dimock, former post office.
Lindaville, formerly called "Mack's Corners," named for Elisha Mack, Sr., who erected a sawmill there before 1810. A post office was established circa 1890 by the efforts of E.M. Chumard, who operated a pruning-shear factory there. The post office was closed 15 Apr 1907 (mail routed through Kingsley P.O.). Pop. 60 in 1900.
West Brooklyn, former post office.
Choconut Township
St. Joseph Catholic Church located on Rt. 4007 (closed, now part of St. Brigid Parish)
Quaker Church (vacant church) located on Rt. T695
The Pennsylvania Choconut Baptist Church &endash; first organized religious body in the township on Jan. 29, 1814. Meetings in homes and schoolhouse. After 1827 worship was held in the "Baptist meeting house". The church disbanded May 10, 1855.
Methodists worshipped in the school house in Choconut hamlet, later in the Baptist Church, then removed to the church at Vestal Center, about 4 miles north.
The Friend's Meeting was established early near Friendsville. A frame meetinghouse was built south of Choconut Lake. Broken up about 1830 because of a division between the Orthodox and Hicksite orders. Meetings resumed later and by 1839 the monthly meeting had 62 members. Removals caused the meeting to be discontinued in 1849.
Church of the Holy Spirit was built on the grounds of the Friend's Meeting but never consecrated.
Silver Lake Presbyterian Church, when first organized, had its house of worship on Choconut Creek in 1831-33. It was thereafter held in Silver Creek.
St. Joseph College and Church, Roman Catholic, located on the Choconut Creek, was opened in 1852 and destroyed by fire in 1864.
Churches in Friendsville Borough
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church located on Rt. 4014
The original St. Francis Xavier Church was built in 1831.
The Presbyterian congregation of Friendsville erected a church in 1841 and being unused it was removed in 1874.
The Friends Meeting and Episcopal Chapel can be found in the Choconut township list.
French and Indian War Cemetery, in Choconut, private property
John Locke Cemetery, Rt. 267 south of Choconut
Quaker Churchyard (near Friendsville), Rt. T695. off 4014
St. Joseph Cemetery, on Rt. 4007, off 267N
Stanley Lake Cemetery, on private road, south edge of lake
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - Borough of Friendsville (M. Welch)
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- Borough of Friendsville (J. O'Donnal)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Choconut Creek - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3
HOTELS - (2) Town of Friendsville (P. Ryan & J. Foster); Dist. #2
LAKES - Choconut Lake - Dist. #1
PONDS - Stanley Pond - Dist. #4
POST OFFICES - Borough of Friendsville; Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4
SCHOOLS - Borough of Friendsville; Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5
STORES - Borough of Friendsville (Wm. Buffam); Dist. #1 (P. O. & Store); M. Hickey
WAGON SHOPS - (2) Borough of Friendsville (P. Matthews & M.C. Sutton)
L. Mill, Dist. #3
Sh., Borough of Friendsville
Place Names, Old and New
Choconut Township was formed on 27 Apr 1813. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Choconut, former post office, closed 15 May 1942 (mail routed through Friendsville P.O.); pop. 250 in 1900.
Friendsville, post office. Incorporated from Choconut, Apolacon, Forest Lake, and Middletown as a borough in 1848. Pop. 110 in 1900.
St. Joseph's, hamlet, originally called Mannington, after the boarding school there in the 1820s and 1830s run by John Mann. The school closed in 1833. In 1852 a Roman Catholic College and Church was established, called St. Joseph's. Former post office, closed 31 Aug 1953 (mail routed through Friendsville P.O.). Pop. 37 in 1900.
Clifford Township
Welsh Hill Congregational Church located on T460
Elkdale Baptist Church (West Clifford Baptist) located on Rt. 2014, off Rt.106
Clifford United Methodist Church located on Rt. 106
St. Pius X Catholic Church located on Rt. 106 in Royal
Clifford Baptist Church located on Rt. 2012
Lake Idlewild Wesleyan Evangelical Church located on Rt. 2067
Elkdale Old Baptist Church (vacant building) located on Rt. 2027
Dundaff St. John's Russian Orthodox Church located on Rt. 2027
Dundaff St. James Episcopal Church located on Rt. 247
The First Regular Baptist Church of Clifford. Early Baptist meetings were held starting in the fall of 1802 in the cabin of Amos Harding and in the forests in the summer season following. Meetings continued to be held until the church was constituted Oct. 20, 1817. The years leading to 1830 saw a decline until Charles Miller took over and a meetinghouse was built that year. The meetinghouse was enlarged in 1881 and consecrated in 1882 It was incorporated April 21, 1841.
The Clifford Methodist Episcopal Church was dedicated on the 22nd of November 1882. The first meetings were held in the Baptist Church, but after 1852 in the Union Church of Clifford.
The First Universalist Church of Clifford was incorporated April 13, 1876.
The Union Church of Clifford was built in 1852 and the Methodists, Adventists and Universalists used it. The board of the First Universalist Church controlled the church. In 1887 it was not much used and in a sad state of repair.
The Welsh Congregation of Clifford Township &endash; became an incorporated body April 12, 1869 but the congregation was organized as early as 1834. The meetings were held in the house of Zachariah Jenkins, on Cambria Hill, on which the first church edifice was built in 1839. In the summer of 1854 a new structure was raised on an adjoining lot. In 1887 a lecture room and tower were planned.
The Clifford Seventh-Day Baptist Church was organized about 1832 and missionaries preached services. Awakened interest produced a small meetinghouse in 1857, which was enlarged later. In 1887 it was the only one of this denomination in the county.
The Elkdale Baptist Church was organized July 25, 1851 as the "Union Regular Baptist Church of East Clifford" and bore that name until 1886, when the above title was adopted.
The Second Clifford Baptist Church was organized on the west slope of Elk Hill Dec. 8, 1841. Meetings were held in the Brundage schoolhouse. On the first of December 1850, the church was dissolved. The West Clifford Evangelical Church was organized later and a church was built in 1880.
Churches in the borough of Forest City
Centennial United Methodist Church located at 631 Main St.
Christ's Episcopal Church located at 700 Delaware St.
First Presbyterian Church located on Main St.
Forest City United Methodist Church located at 61 Dundaff St.
Sacred Heart of Jesus located at 612 Hudson St.
St. Michael the Archangel located at 701 Delaware St.
St. Agnes Catholic Church located at 7l5 Delaware St.
St. Joseph's Slovenian Church located at 471 Delaware St.
St. John Byzantine Church located at 306 Susquehanna St.
St. Anthony located at 612 Lackawanna St.
The following is taken from Highlights of Forest City Borough History, 1938
The first church to be erected in Forest City was the Methodist Episcopal, incorp. Jan.17, 1885 and dedicated Nov. 17, 1886. Further improvements were made in 1906.
The Welsh Congregational Church parishioners met in 1883 in the old school and next Higgins Hall. The church was erected in 1892
The first Catholic parish was St. Agnes, started in 1888 and completed and dedicated on September 18, 1892. This church was destroyed by fire December 27, 1917 and on March 30, 1919 the edifice was dedicated.
The Baptist church was started in 1888; the corner stone was laid Jan. 24, 1889 and the dedication took place January 15, 1895.
Ground was broken for the Christ Episcopal Church on Aug. 6, 1891. The cornerstone was laid on Sept. 18, 1891 and the first services were held in the church on June 5, 1892.
The second Catholic parish (Lithuanian) to be formed in the Borough was that of St. Anthony's on Aug. 16, 1894. Ground was broken Sept. 3, 1894 and the church was destroyed by fire on Feb. 21, 1899. A new edifice was started June 22, 1899, and the cornerstone laying and dedication of the bells took place Nov. 22, 1899. The church was dedicated Oct. 8, 1905.
June 26, 1896 marked the dedication of the Presbyterian Church but as early as Nov. 9, 1890 a Presbyterian missionary preached a sermon in the Maxey Hall, and on Feb. 4, 1891 the First Presbyterian Church of Forest City was constituted and a church was started in the spring of 1894.
November 11, 1897 St. John's Greek Catholic Church was started and the cornerstone laid Dec. 19, 1897.
St. Joseph's Slovenian Church was started on May 19, 1904 with a groundbreaking; the cornerstone laying service was held on Aug. 4, 1904. The dedication of the church took place March 19, 1905.
The Sacred Heart Congregation was started Oct. 13, 1904 and the temporary chapel was destroyed by fire on Feb. 17, 1905. The dedication of the new church took place on May 30, 1908
St. Michaels Slovak Church was organized in 1913 and soon after they purchased the Baptist Church on Jan. 5, 1914. On July 4, 1917 St. Michaels cornerstone was laid and the dedication also took place at that time.
Burdick Cemetery, Rt. 2012E of Elkdale
Chamberlin Cemetery, West Clifford
Clifford Valley (Village of Clifford), Rt. 106
Dundaff Cemetery (Village of Dundaff), Rt. 247 Two cemeteries, one north and one south of Dundaff
Elkdale Baptist, Rt. 2027
Hillside Cemetery, Susquehanna St., Forest City Borough
Sacred Heart Cemetery, Susquehanna St., Forest City Borough
St. Agnes Cemetery, Susquehanna St., Forest City Borough
St. Anthony Cemetery, Rt. 247W, Forest City Borough
St. John Cemetery, Rt. 247W, Forest City Borough
St. Joseph Cemetery, Susquehanna St., Forest City Borough
Stevens Family, Rt. 106W, near Lenox Twp. line
Welsh Hill Cemetery, at Welsh Hill Cong. Church, West Clifford, T460, off 374
Westgate Cemetery, Rt. 2023N
Willow View (Village of Clifford), Rt. 2050, off 106
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- (2) City Dist.; (2) Town of Clifford Corners (one for Wm. Lott)
CREEKS/BROOKS - East Branch Creek - Clifford Corners Dist., Hoover Dist., City Dist., Burns Dist.; Bear Brook - Jenkins Dist.
GRIST MILLS - City Dist.
HOTELS - Clifford Hotel - Town of Clifford Corners (Roberts Bros.); Crystal Lake Hotel - Burch Dist.; Lonsdale Ho. - Lonsdale Dist.
LAKES - Crystal Lake - Burch Dist. & Luzerne Co. line
PONDS - Long Pond - Jenkins Dist.; Mud Pond - Jenkins Dist.; Round Pond - Jenkins Dist.
POST OFFICES - Town of Clifford Corners (P.O. & Store)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Collar Road Dist.; (2) Clifford (one for M. I. Pierce) Dist.; (2) City Dist.; Burdick Dist.
SCHOOLS - Jenkins Dist.; Marsh Dist.; Collar Road Dist.; Hoover Dist.; City Dist.; Burns Dist.; Burdick Dist.; Burch Dist.; Lonsdale Dist.; Town of Clifford Corners
STORES - (2) Town of Clifford Corners (S. Sh. & Store - J. N. Baker; P. O. & Store); Lonsdale Dist.
Cab Sh., Town of Clifford Corners (B. F. Wells)
Carp. Sh., Clifford Corners Dist.
Cider Mill, Burns Dist. & Clifford Corners Dist.
Corderoy Bridge, Truesdale Dist.
Elk Mountain, Collar Road Dist.
Lackawanna River, Burdick Dist. (East & West Branch) & Burch Dist.
Law Office, Collar Road Dist.
Millinery Sh., Town of Clifford Corners (Miss P. Stevens)
Office, Town of Clifford Corners
Railroad / Jefferson Branch of Erie R. R. - Burdick Dist. & Burch Dist. Rock, City Dist. & Herrick Twp. Line
Round Hill, Collar Road Dist.
S. Sh., Town of Clifford Corners (S. Sh. & Store - J. N. Baker); Jenkins Dist.
Scales, Town of Clifford Corners
Still Water, Burdick Dist.
Store House, Jenkins Dist. Turning Sh., Burns Dist.
Place Names, Old and New
Clifford Township was formed during the April Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1806. The petition filed in court asking for the township to be formed explains why the name "Clifford" was chosen: "[T]he name of Clifford (as we believe) was given . . . for the purpose of accommodating a man by the name of Clifford in Philadelphia (Expecting at the Same time) that the said Clifford would pay some acknowledgement for the honour (as the people then thought they confered on him) but to their chagrin and disappointment the said Clifford did not answer their expectation." For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Clifford, a town established in 1847, with the building of the Clifford--Carbondale Road. The only business at that time was a blacksmith shop. The next business, est. 1847, was a store and tavern owned by Emory Mapes. A post office was est. on 19 Feb 1851, which was later closed. Pop. 200 in 1900.
Dundaff, post office; former telegraph office. Incorporated from Clifford as a borough 5 Mar 1828. Pop. 159 in 1900.
Elkdale, former post office, closed 31 Jan 1910 (mail routed through Uniondale P.O.); pop. 50 in 1900.
Forest City, now a borough, this area was first called "Forest Mills" (circa the 1850s). When the post office was opened in 1879, however, it was named "Pentecost" in honor William Pentecost, one of the earliest settlers, who developed the lumber and milling business. It was also the site of a railroad station, telegraph station, and express office. In 1886 the post office was renamed Forest City, and it was incorporated as a borough on 25 Aug 1888. Pop. 4,279 in 1900.
Londsdale, former name of "Royal."
Royal, formerly "Lonsdale." The name change occurred because the U.S. Postal Service rejected "Lonsdale" when it was petitioned to establish a post office there in 1883. The name "Royal" was chosen by local citizens after the Royal Baking Powder Co. (reportedly after seeing a can of the baking powder on a store shelf, where they were discussing the subject of needing a new name). The company had no connection with the county or Clifford Twp. The area was first settled by Peter Rynearson in 1818. The town is located at the intersection of the Londsdale--Brooklyn turnpike (built 1849) and the Clifford--Carbondale turnpike (built 1847). A post office was opened 19 May 1884 and closed 30 Jun 1913 (mail routed thorugh Lenoxville). Pop. 41 in 1900.
Stillwater Station, former train station.
Welsh Hill, former post office, closed 25 Nov 1913 (mail routed through West Clifford P.O.).
West Clifford, located at the intersection of the Clifford-Carbondale and Milford-Owego turnpikes. The town grew out of the steam sawmill owned by the Lees (William, James, John). Its post office was closed 30 Oct 1915 (mail routed through Union Dale P.O.).
Dimock Township
Dimock Baptist Church located on Rt. 2024
Dimock Community Methodist Church located on 3023E
Elk Lake Community Church located on 3023W
Meshoppen Creek Baptist Church (Daniel Myers Farm) vacant located on Rt. 2053
Dimock Camp Meeting located on Rt. 3023W
Dimock Baptist Church was organized June 3, 1834. In 1851 the church building was completed.
The Presbyterian Church of Dimock was organized Sept. 16, 1854; incorporated April 16, 1855. The church was built in 1871.
Methodist meetings were held early but no house of worship was built. Meetings were held in the Presbyterian Church Literary Academy Building.
Elk Lake Church. From July 1876 on meetings were held in the school house and they belong to the Rush circuit.
Wyalusing Camp-Meeting Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church was incorporated Aug. 15, 1877. Grounds were located in 1875 and consist of 32 acres.
Burdick Cemetery, T384
Dimock Cemetery, Rt. 3023E
Lathrop Cemetery, Elk Lake, private property
Meshoppen Creek Road or Rosencranz Cemetery, Rt. 2053
Tyler Cemetery, T435
Young Cemetery, Elk Lake, Rt. 3010
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - Town of Park Vale
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.)- Town of Dimock (C.C. Mills), Dist. #2 (Fargo), Dist. #2
CREEKS/BROOKS - Meshoppen - Dist. #5 & Dist. #7
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Dist. #1, Dist. #2 , Town of Park Vale, also one in Brooklyn Twp., opposite Dist. #7, Dimock Twp.
HOTELS - (2) Town of Dimock (Lewis Est. & T. B. Williams)
LAKES - Elk Lakes - Dist. #2
PONDS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #4; (Park's Pond) Dist. #5; (3) Dist. #8; Dist. #9
POST OFFICES ( P. O.) - Town of Dimock ( Store & P. O . - L. H. Woodruff ), Dist. #2 ( Store & P. O . - Geo. Steve ns)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Dist. #1, Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #7; Town of Park Vale
SCHOOLS - Town of Dimock; Town of Parke Vale, Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; (2) Dist. #10; Dist. #11; also Woodruff Academy, Town of Dimock
STORES - Town of Dimock ( Store & P. O. - L. H. Woodruff); Dist. #2 (Store & P. O. - George Stevens); Town of Dimock ( W. H. Thayer)
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Town of Dimmock (C. C. Mills)
Carpenter Shop, Town of Dimock
S. Sh., Dist. #9
Spring, Dist. #10
Turnpike, Owego Turnpike? (Records show the Wilkes Barre - Bridgewater Turnpike); Dist. #11, #8, & unnamed dist bordered by Bridgewater Twp.
Place Names, Old and New
Dimock Township was formed during the December Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1832 and named in honor of Elder Davis Dimock. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Dimock, post office, former express office; pop. 100 in 1900
Elk Lake, also called Lathrop's Lake in the early 1800s; former post office, closed 31 Oct 1917 (mail routed through South Montrose P.O.); pop. 100 in 1900.
Louden Hill, neighborhood named after a business there, Louden Hill Farm, which was owned by Garden State Farms, Inc. At one time there were over 120 Louden Hill stores, later sold to Turkey Hill. Louden his Farm was one of the sources of the products (milk, eggs, etc.) sold in the stores.
Parkvale, area in the southeastern part that was originally part of a 10,000 acre tract in Dimock and Springville twps. owned by Thomas Parke. Thomas Parke came from Rhode Island in 1796. The area where Parke built his residence became known as Parkvale.
Tyler, former train station.
Woodbourne, former post office; former railroad station .
Woodhouse, former railroad station.
Forest Lake Township
Birchardville (Middletown) Baptist Church located on Rt. 267
Fair Hill Methodist - no building
Forest Lake Baptist Church located on Rt. 3029
First Congregational Church of Christ in Rush, later Middletown and Forest Lake. First organized religious body in the township. Baptists held regular meetings at an earlier period. Disbanded in 1837.
Middletown Baptist Church of Birchardville, organized February 29, 1812. A meetinghouse was built in 1837.
Forest Lake Baptist Church in the hamlet of Forest Lake, constituted May 4, 1842. First meetings were held in the schoolhouse until 1842, when a building was purchased. In 1880 the church was built.
Forest Lake Centre Methodist Episcopal Church was organized ca. 1834. In 1846 a meetinghouse was built and enlarged in 1871.
Fair Hill Methodist Episcopal Church. Methodist classes met in the schoolhouse prior to the building of the church in 1877. It was incorporated in 1879.
Birchardville Cemetery, Rt. 267 Birchardville
Brock Cemetery, on Forest Lake Road, private property
Carr Cemetery or Taylor Cemetery, private property
Doty Cemetery, on Fraser Road, private property
Forest Lake Cemetery, also listed as Brown Cemetery (at Forest Lake take Showalter Road, approx 1/4 mi.on right is dirt road and approx. 480 ft. on right is the cemetery.)
Fair Hill Cemetery, from Fairdale on Forest Lake Road, take T602
Kallam Cemetery, private property
Patch Cemetery, 4.9 miles from Fairdale (on right) on the Forest Lake Road
Slatter Hill Cemetery, on Milford-Owego Turnpike. Private property.
Stone Street Cemetery, near Birchardville on T620
Turrell Cemetery, corner Milford-Owego Turnpike and Rt. 267, private property.
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- Town of Birchardville (B. S. & Wag. Sh. - G. B. Strange), Dist. #4; (B.S. & Wag. Sh.), Dist. #5 (J.S.)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Wyalusing Creek, Dist. #1; Dist. #4 (Middle Branch), Dist. #9
GRIST MILL - Town of Forest Lake, Dist. #5; Chapman Dist. (S. & G. Mill)
LAKES - Forest Lake, Dist. #5
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #1; Chapman Dist. (S. & G. Mill), (2) Dist. #5 (includes one for R. Booth), Dist. #9
SCHOOLS - Town of Forest Lake, Dist. #1; (2) Chapman Dist.; Dist #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9
STORES - Town of Birchardville & Dist. #4
WAGON SHOPS - Town of Birchardville (B. S. & Wag. Sh. - G. B. Strange) & Dist. #4, (B.S. & W. Sh.)
Milford - Owego Turnpike, Dist. #1; Dist. #2, Dist. #5, Dist. #8, Friendsville P.O.
Shoe Sh. or S. Sh. - Town of Birchardville & Dist. #4 (D. Marshall)
Stable - Town of Birchardville
Tannery - Dist. #6 (O. & E. Gilfoy)
Turning Mill, Dist. #5
Place Names, Old and New
Forest Lake Township was formed on 4 May 1836. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Birchardville, named for Jabez and Jesse Birchard, who came from Connecticut to the middle branch of the Wyalusing Creek in 1799. Birchard owned and worked the land under a Connecticut title (the Connecticut--Pennsylvania dispute over this part of Northeastern Pennsylvania raged for nearly 150 years) and called it "Ruby." Jabez had a small grist mill and distillery as early as 1815 and was the first postmaster, with the post office established in his house in 1826. The post office closed 31 May 1954 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.). Pop. 90 in 1900.
Forest Lake, former post office, closed 30 Oct 1915 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.); pop. 250 in 1900
Franklin Township
Franklin Hill Presbyterian Church located on Rt. 4002
Franklin Forks Methodist Church located on Rt. 4008
Montrose Assembly of God Church located on Rt. 29
The Lawsville and New Milford Union Congregational Church was organized September 28, 1813. In 1836 the church became Presbyterian in form of government and the same year the Liberty Presbyterian Church was formed. It was known as the First Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Franklin Jan. 28, 1850. The church was erected on Cemetery Hill in 1824. In 1866 it was removed and the present edifice was built.
Free Will Baptists worshipped in homes and later the schoolhouse at Franklin Forks, built in 1840, until the house of worship was built in 1856. This passed under the control of the Free-Will Baptist Society of Franklin, incorporated Jan. 29, 1860. The Presbyterians began to hold meetings in the building after the Baptists removed and the First Presbyterian Church of Franklin Forks was incorporated, Aug. 25, 1875.
Methodist Episcopal Church of Franklin Forks. A class was held as early as 1804. The church was begun in 1867 and incorporated with the above title November 19, 1869.
Brookside Cemetery, Village of Franklin Forks
Franklin Hill Cemetery, Rt. 4002
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- (2) Town of Franklin Forks; Town of Brookdale (Liberty Twp.); Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #7
CREEKS/BROOKS - Silver Creek - Town of Franklin Forks Dist. #4, Dist. #5
GRIST MILLS - Dist. #7 (G. & Saw Mill); Dist. #8
POST OFFICES - Dist. #1 (P.O. & Store - J. L. Merriman)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Town of Franklin Forks, Town of Brookdale (Liberty Twp.). M. & L. Saw Mill; Dist. #3; (2) Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #7 (G. & S. Mill)
SCHOOLS - Town of Brookdale; (Liberty Twp.) Town of Franklin Forks; Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8
STORES - (2) Dist. #1 (includes Sotre & P.O. - J. L. Merriman), Dist. #8; (2) Town of Franklin Forks (J. Boyd and D. C. & F. H. Fordham)
Butts Corners, Town of Brookdale (Liberty Twp.)
Carpenter Shop, Dist. #7
Salt Works, Dist. #5
Shoe Sh., Dist. #4
Tanneries - Town of Brookdale (Liberty Twp.) & Dist.. #8 (Franklin Tannery)
Tenant Houses, Town of Brookdale (Liberty Twp.)
Place Names, Old and New
Franklin Township was formed during the May Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1835. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Franklin Corners (also called Milk Can Corners because of the milk cans placed there)
Franklin Forks, hamlet where Silver Creek enters the Snake Creek. John Snow, in 1836, was the first to take advantage of the water power to power a lathe for furniture making. First merchandise was sold by Joseph Smith out of his home circa 1845. Post office from 1871 to 31 Oct 1917. Pop. 75 in 1900.
Salt Springs State Park. Located just west of Franklin Forks, on the former Wheaton homestead. The Wheaton family lived on the same farm for more than 130 years. In 1971, when it became time for the family to sell, The Nature Conservancy, a nonprofit, international conservation group, helped to transform it, in 1973, into Salt Springs State Park. In 1994, to preserve and develop the park, a group of concerned citizens incorporated themselves as the Friends of Salt Springs Park, Inc. Through subcontracts with the State of Pennsylvania and Susquehanna County, the Friends manage the property, run an Environmental Education Center, and are renovating (or have renovated) the existing structures.
Upsonville, former post office, closed 15 Apr 1907 (mail routed through Hallstead P.O.); pop. 154 in 1900.
Gibson Township
Gibson United Methodist Church located on Rt. 0547
South Gibson United Methodist Church located on Rt. 2067 & Rt. 92
Gelatt United Methodist Church - vacant church located on Rt. 2046
Gibson Universalist Church - no building
Union Hill Presbyterian Church - no building
The Gibson Congregational Presbyterian Church was organized Nov. 20, 1818. Meetinghouse built in 1824 and the church was incorporated in 1834. The church government was changed to Presbyterian in 1833. A new church, the Union Hill Church, was dedicated July 7, 1869.
Kennedy Hill and Burrows' Hollow [Gibson] Methodist Church &endash; First class organized about 1812-13 and thereafter in homes and schoolhouse until the first church was erected on Kennedy Hill in 1837. In 1868-69 this church was sold to the South Gibson charge and it was removed to that place and the church at Burrows' Hollow was erected
The Baptists organized early but never built a church.
The Universalist Church was built in 1840. By 1887 only occasional preaching.
East Gibson Baptist Church [at Smiley Hollow] Preaching as early as 1852 and in 1856 recognized as an independent church. Moved to Barnes' Hill where they continued until the final dissolution of the church.
An Old-School Baptist Church was organized about 1824 near Gelatt. Not much is known about the church.
South Gibson Free Will Baptist Church was organized November 24, 1887. A church was never built but worshipped in the schoolhouse. Owing to dissensions the organization went down.
South Gibson Methodist Church. A class was first organized about 1838 in the schoolhouse and the first church was built in 1840 and dedicated in January of 1841. The second church was erected in 1869-70 and dedicated in June 1870.
Baldwin Family - Gelatt
Edmund Burdick Farm - Gelatt, 2 1/2 mi NE of S. Gibson, private property
Gelatt Cemetery - Gelatt, 2046, off 92
Gibson Cemetery - Gibson, Rt. 558
Hazard Powers Cemetery - private property
Manzer Cemetery, Rt. 92, South Gibson
Potter Cemetery, private property
Resseguie Cemetery, South Gibson, private property
Smiley Hollow or Milliken Cemetery, Rt. 2034 off 92
South Gibson Cemetery - Route 92, South Gibson
Tarbox Cemetery, near Grange Hall, Rt. 92, Gelatt
Union Hill Cemetery - 3/4 mi. north of 5 corners, Gibson Twp.
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- Dist. #2 & Dist. #4 (S. R. H.)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Jay's Creek & Van Winkles Branch, Dist. #1; Tunkhannock Creek, Dist. #4
GRIST MILLS - Dist. #1
HOTELS - Dist. #4 (S. R. Holmes)
LAKES - Stearns Lake, Dist. #3; Willis Lake, Dist. #11
POST OFFICES - Dist. #4 (Store & P.O. - Milliken & Smiley)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #1 & Dist. #9 (S. Mill & Cab. Sh.)
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11; Dist. #12
STORES - Dist. #4 (Store & P.O. - Milliken & Smiley)
WAGON SHOPS - Dist. #12
Cab. Sh., Dist. #9 (Cab. Sh. & Saw Mill)
Cider Mill, Dist. #10
Furniture Manf., Dist. #3 (W.D. Eymer)
Kennedy Hill, Dist. #2
Shop, Dist. #6
Wood Mill, Dist. #11
Wollen Fact., Dist. #10 (W.H. & E.P. Pope)
Wollen Mill, Dist. #4 (W.W. Pope)
Place Names, Old and New
Gibson Township was formed on 24 Nov 1813 and named after Hon. John B. Gibson, a president judge of the district. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Burrows' Hollow, hamlet (present-day town of Gibson) located on Butler Creek and the old Newburg turnpike, near the northwest corner of the twp. When a post office was established in Burrows' Hollow, it was named "Gibson."
Gelatt, also called "Gelatt Hollow," hamlet 1.5 miles up the Tunkhannock Creek from Smiley, near the northeast corner of the twp. Settled between 1809 and 1812 by George Gelatt, Sr., and his family. Former post office, closed 4 Apr 1969 (mail routed through Thompson P.O.); pop. 150 in 1900.
Kennedy Hill, hamlet at the summit of the ridge between the Tunkhannock Creek and Butler Creek, in the north central part of the twp.
Kentuckyville, former post office (est. in the summer of 1832); also called Kentuck Corners; area in the western part of the twp. named by a Kentucky hunter who passed through the area and noted their similarities. In the early 1800s this area was also called "Five Partners," in reference to and to distinguish it from "Nine Partners," both being at one time within the limits of Harford twp.
Parma, former post office, closed 31 Aug 1909 (mail routed through Union Dale P.O.).
Smiley, hamlet located 4 miles southeast of Burrows' Hollow on the old Newburg turnpike at the Tunkhannock Creek; former post office.
South Gibson, hamlet, located 4 miles down the Tunkhannock Creek from Smiley; former post office; pop. 175 in 1900.
Union Hill, neighborhood, including Union Hill Church and a cemetery. John Belcher was probably the first settler, in 1794. Also early called "Toad Hill."
Great Bend Township
Locust Hill Baptist Church located on Rt. T830
Island Plains Community Church located on Rt. 1010
State Line Assembly of God Church located on Rt. 11
Churches in Hallstead Borough:
Hallstead First Presbyterian Church located at 107 Pine St.
First Baptist Church located at 108 Pine St.
United Methodist Church located on Church St.
The Presbyterian Church, formerly the Congregational Church, organized May 7, 1789. In March of 1831 the church voted to become Presbyterian. On January 13, 1831 the meetinghouse was dedicated. In 1851 it was enlarged.
Great Bend Baptist Church in Hallstead. Baptist Preaching was as early as 1807. In 1826 a new body of Baptists united with the Bridgewater Association. Meetings were held in homes until the meetinghouse was built and dedicated on Aug. 22, 1832. Membership declined after 1848 and in 1860 the church was "dropped" from the Associational list.
Zion Baptist Church of Great Bend, located in Hallstead, was organized in April of 1859.Most members joined the reorganized Great Bend Baptist Church.
Churches in Great Bend Borough:
St. Lawrence Catholic Church located on Washington St.
United Methodist Church located at 509 Main St.
Gospel Fellowship Church (Christian & Missionary Alliance) located
Grace Episcopal Church (Burned Feb. 2, 1954)
State Line Evangelical Wesleyan Church located on Rt. 11
The Methodist Congregation and Methodist Episcopal Church was very small and meetings were held in the Baptist Church until 1854 when a small church was erected. It was rebuilt, burned in 1870 and another was erected.
Grace Episcopal Church was organized in 1852. In 1859 a charter was granted and soon after the church edifice was erected.
St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Church was formed about 1847 and assembled in private homes. A building was secured for worship until 1866, when the present church was commenced and completed in 1867.
Dayton Cemetery, behind Hallstead Presbyterian Church, Hallstead Borough
Great Bend Episcopal Church, Great Bend
Hallstead Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hallstead Borough
Highland Cemetery, located between T755 &828, not visible from road.
Newman Cemetery, off Rt. 171
Rose Hill Cemetery - Hallstead Borough
St. Lawrence Cemetery, Rt. 11 N to left on Randolph Rd.; Randolph to T751
Taylor Family Cemetery, on Rt. 171 and after T824, private property
Trowbridge Cemetery, old Rt. 11 between New Milford and Hallstead
Woodlawn Cemetery, Rt. 11 N to left on Randolph Rd; Randolph to T751
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - Dist. #6
CREEKS/BROOKS - Mitchel's Creek - Dist. #4; Salt Lick Creek - Dist. #2 & Dist. #3; Wiley Creek - Dist. #2 & Dist. #8
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Dist. #1 (Blossom Bros. & B. Spearbeck); Dist. #2; (2) Dist. #3 (C. McKinney & G. Johnston); (2) Dist. #4 (O.E. Chamberin and W. Howearth); (2) Dist. #5; Dist. #6; (2) Dist. #7 (includes one for H. Gunn); Dist. #9 (W. Hawkins)
STEAM SAW MILLS - Dist. #4, Dist. #8 (Steam Mill)
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9
STORES - Dist. #6
Brickyard, Dist. #1 (W. Patin)
Egypt, Dist. #4
Fish Pro., Dist. #8
Gate, Dist. #1
Mineral Paint, Dist. #5
Railroads - D. L. & W. - Dist. #1, Dist. #2 (Depot); Dist. #3; Erie Railroad - Dist. #1, Dist. #2, Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7
Red Rock, Dist. #6
Susquehanna River - Dist. #1, Dist. #2, Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7 Tannery, Dist. #6
Taylortown; Dist. #5
Woolen Factory, Dist. #3 (E. Lewis)
Place Names, Old and New
Great Bend Township was formed during the March Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1791 under the name of "Willingborough". It was renamed "Great Bend" on 28 Nov 1814. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Egypt, a highland region across the Susquehanna River from Red Rock, was originally covered with pine trees. Wright and Samuel Chamberlain operated mills there. The land has been described as "stony and sterile", worthless for farming and home to rattlesnakes.
Great Bend, post office; former railroad station, telegraph station, and express office. Incorporated as a borough 19 Nov 1861. Pop. 836 in 1900. "Lodersville" was the initial name of the Erie Railroad depot and the post office in Great Bend.
Hallstead, post office; former telegraph station and express office. Incorporated as a borough 28 Nov, 1874, under the name of "Great Bend Village"; renamed "Hallstead" in 1887, in honor of the president of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. Pop. 1,404 in 1900. The village grew up along the river as a turnpike town from 1801. The main street was the Great Bend and Cochecton Turnpike. The DL&W Railroad, with its depot, dozen or more tracks, and large roundhouse, brought significant growth to the town.
Hickory Grove, hamlet, post office from 22 Nov 1872 to15 Jan 1914 (mail routed through Susquehanna Depot P.O.); former railroad station.
Locust Hill, neighborhood in the northeast corner. Many of the early settlers, arriving circa 1812, were from Litchfield Co., CT. The first settler was Jonas Bush, Jr.
Painted Rocks. About 2 miles upriver of Great Bend Village are some sheer cliffs. Early settlers claim there was the painted figure of an Indian Chief on the cliffs. After the image faded, the red paint in the figure remained. Later settlers, not knowing of the Indian image, began calling the area "Red Rock." Today, Red Rock is the name of a crossroad community in that area.
Taylortown, area settled by and named after William Taylor, who arrived circa 1815, erected saw mills, and was a lumberman and farmer. Also called "Hickory Grove," which was the name of the Erie Railroad station, post office, and school located there. The schoolhouse was located on a small hill covered with hickory trees -- an unusual feature in this area. The post office was opened on 22 Nov 1872 and closed 1 Dec 1905. Pop. 105 in 1900.
Harford Township
Harford First Congregational Church Located on Rt. 0547
Kingsley Methodist Church located in Kingsley Rt. 2024
Kingsley Community Church located on Main St., Kingsley
Sweet's Chapel - vacant located on Rt. 2061
Harford Congregational Church -The first Congregational sermons were preached as early as 1794 by Rev. Daniel Buck and a church was organized June 15, 1800 and in 1806 a small church was erected. The present church was commenced in 1822 and completed several years afterward. The lecture room was built in 1844 and opened for worship in 1845. In 1851 extensive changes were made to the church.
Harford Methodist Church - A class was organized about 1841. The church was erected in 1844.
Harford Congregational Church, Rt. 2063
Maplewood Cemetery, T579, off 106E
Peck Cemetery, 2063 south of Harford
South Harford Cemetery, 2063 near Lenox border
Wilmarth Cemetery, T579, off 106E
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
CREEKS/BROOKS - Butler Creek - Dist. #6, 7, & Dist. #8; Martins Creek & East Branch Martins Creek - Dist. #2, unnamed dist. between Dist. #2 & Dist. #10; Partner's Creek - Dist. #5 & Dist. #8, Dist. #10 & Montrose Depot
HOTELS - Harford Ho. - Dist. #5; Boarding Ho., - Montrose Depot P. O. Dist.
LAKES - Blanding Lake, Dist. #6 & Dist. #11; Lower Lake , Dist. #2 Middle Lake, Dist. #2; Tingley Lake, Dist. #4; Tyler Lake Dist. #5
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #4, (2) Dist. #5, (2) Dist. #8
SCHOOLS - Soldier's Orphan School, Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11
Feed Mill, Dist. #2
Harford Fair Grounds, Dist. #5
Mill, Dist. #5
Railroad - D. L. & W., Montrose Depot. P. O. Dist. (R. R. Station), Dist. #2; unnamed dist. between Dist. #2 & Dist. #10, Dist. #10 (R. R. Station)
Shingle Mill, Dist. #9 (A Tingley)
Springs - (2) Dist. #1 (includes Nine Partner Spring); Dist. #2; Water Tank, Montrose Depot P. O. Dist.
Place Names, Old and New
Harford Township was formed during the January Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1813. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Alford, formerly called Montrose Depot. A post office was established in the name of Montrose Depot on 11 Mar 1852. Because railroad passengers and shippers thought the stop was in the town of Montrose, there was much confusion. In March 1877 the name was changed to get rid of the confusion. The name "Alford" was suggested by Hattie Tiffany in honor of her paternal grandfather, Alford Tiffany. The post office was closed 15 Dec 1944 (mail routed through Kingsley P.O.). Former railroad station, telegraph station, and express office. Pop. 75 in 1900.
Harford, village, post office. Residents attempted to have it incorporated as a borough in early 1865, but the petition was denied by the Court of Quarter Sessions. Pop. 200 in 1900.
Harford Soldiers' Orphan School, opened in November 1865 on the former Franklin Academy campus, it was to house and school the destitute children of Civil War veterans, both dead and alive. It was one of 44 such facilities in Pennsylvania and was open until 1902. One of the buildings is still standing. It is the home of the Harford Historical Society.
Kingsley, post office; former DL&W railroad station, telegraph station, and express office; pop. 75 in 1900. Names for Rufus Kingsley, a Revolutionary War veteran and first settler.
Oakley, former post office, closed 30 Jul 1904 (mail routed through Hop Bottom P.O.); former train station; pop. 78 in 1900.
West Harford, former post office.
Harmony Township
Bethel Hill United Methodist Church - vacant located on Rt. 171
Brandt Presbyterian Church - vacant located in the village of Brandt
Stevens Point United Methodist Church - located on Rt. 1011
The Harmony Presbyterian Church at Brandt &endash; The church was built in 1874 and dedicated January 20, 1875.
Churches in the Borough of Susquehanna
First Baptist Church located at 312 Jackson St.
Christ Episcopal Church located at 302 W. Main St.
United Methodist Church located on Main St.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church located on Jackson St.
Susquehanna Presbyterian Church (Destroyed by fire Dec. 19, 1971)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints located on Front St., (Starrucca House).
The Catholic Church of Susquehanna [St. John's]. A frame church was erected in 1853. A larger church was built and dedicated November 7, 1880.
The Presbyterian Church was organized in 1851 and the church edifice was dedicated in August of 1853.
The Methodist Episcopal Church. In July, 1851, Susquehanna was made a mission in connection with Lanesboro by the Methodist Conference. The church was completed in 1852.
Churches in Lanesboro Borough
Lanesboro Community Church United Presbyterian located in Lanesboro
The Methodist Episcopal Church meetings were held in homes and in 1812 a class was formed. In 1834 the church at Lanesboro was erected. Three churches are served on the charge: Lanesboro, Bethel Hill and Stevens' Point.
The Catholic Church was organized in 1847 in Lanesboro. It was removed to Susquehanna in 1858.
Brandt Cemetery, Brandt, Pa.
Evergreen Cemetery, Turnpike Street, Susquehanna Borough
Grand Street Cemetery, Grand St., Susquehanna Borough
Kirk Family, private prop., Rt. 171 above Comfort Lake
Lanesboro Cemetery, Lanesboro
St. John's Cemetery, Church Street, Susquehanna Borough
Stevens Point Cemetery, 1057S, off 1009S
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details
BLACK SMITH SHOPS- Town of Starrucca Bridge; Town of Harmony Centre; Dist. #5; Dist. #8
CREEKS/BROOKS - Big Roaring Brook, Dist. #5; Canawacta Creek, Dist. #1 & Dist. #7; East & South Branch of Canawacta Creek, Dist. #7; Cascade Creek, Dist. #8; Little Roaring Brook, Town of Harmony Centre, Dist. #4; Dist. #3; Dist. #5; Starrucca Creek, Town of Starrucca Bridge; Town of Harmony Centre, Dist. #2; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6
GRIST MILLS - Dist. #5
PONDS - Comforts Pond, Dist. #7
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Town of Starrucca Bridge, Town of Harmony Centre (B. H. W.), Dist. #2; (3) Dist. #5, S. H. Barnes; (2) Dist. #6; (2) Dist. #7, E. Thomas & M. V. Norton
STEAM SAW MILLS - (2) Dist. #2
SCHOOLS - Town of Starrucca Bridge; Town of Harmony Centre; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; also in Oakland Twp., opposite Dist. #2, Harmony Twp.
STORES - Town of Harmony Centre; Town of Starrucca Bridge; Dist. #5
Acid Factory, Dist. #4
Bridges - Cascade Bridge - Dist. #8; Starrucca Bridge - Town of Starrucca Bridge
Chair Factory, Town of Harmony Centre
Ferry, Dist. #8
Junction of Erie & Jefferson R.R., Dist. #1 & Junction of Jefferson & Lackawanna & Susq. R.R., Dist. #4
Newman Hill, Dist. #3
Pig Pen Run, Dist. #2 & Dist. #4
Prospect Hill, Dist. #3
Raceway, Town of Starrucca Bridge
Railroads - Erie R.R. - Town of Starrucca Bridge, Dist. #1, Dist. #2, Dist. #8; Jefferson R.R. - Town of Harmony Centre (and Depot), Town of Starrucca Bridge, Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #4; Dist. #5, Dist. #6; Lackawanna & Susq. R.R. - Town of Starrucca Bridge, Dist. #2; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #8
Rocky Ridge, Dist. #8
Shoe Sh., Dist. #6
Stevens Point, Dist. #5
Susquehanna River, Dist. #1, Dist. #2, Dist. #8
Tanneries - Town of Harmony Centre; Town of Starrucca Bridge; Dist. #2
Place and Names, Old and New
Harmony Township was formed in 1809. "Harmony" was the name given, in 1789, to the first settlement in the area where Cascade Creek emptied into the Susquehanna River. When organized 1809, the township took the name of this settlement. The settlement was established by Samuel Stanton, of Mt. Pleasant, Wayne Co., PA, as the terminus of a road he and others helped build between the Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers. Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, lived in Harmony Twp. while he translated the "Golden Tablets." He married a local girl, Emma Hale, daughter of Isaac Hale. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Bethel Hill, neighborhood on the north side of Comfort Pond. Site of a Methodist Episcopal Church. Name of the area's school district.
Brandt, hamlet on the Starrucca Creek, about 2 miles above the Starrucca Viaduct. It was originally called "Harmony Centre" until renamed in honor of Henry William Brandt. Brandt, born in Hanover, Germany, was a prominent business man in the township. The Jefferson Branch of the Erie Railroad also had a depot here. The post office, established in 1869, was called Harmony Centre until 1875, when it was changed to Brandt. The post office closed 15 Sep 1932. Pop. 300 in 1900.
Cascade Creek, empties into the Susquehanna River about three-fourths of a mile below the New York state border. In 1789, at the mouth of the creek, Samuel Preston of Wayne Co. began construction on a turnpike that eventually connected to Stockport on the Delaware River. A short ways up the creek is a waterfall, and Native American relics have been found in the vicinity.
Harmony Center, first name of the post office established at Brandt in 1869; it was changed to "Brandt" in 1875.
Jefferson Station, former railroad station just outside the village of Starrucca. While the village is located in Wayne Co., PA, the station was in Susquehanna Co.
Lanesboro, post office; former railroad station, telegraph station, and express office. Incorporated as a borough on 14 Aug 1889. Pop. 821 in 1900. Lanesboro was first called "Lanesville," as named by Martin Lane; his son, Jesse Lane, changed it to "Lanesboro." The post office was established in 1820 as Lanesville; the name was changed to Lanesboro in 1829.
Melrose, former post office; former railroad station.
Stevens Point, former post office, closed 15 Feb 1934 (mail routed through Susquehanna Depot P.O.); former train station; pop. 150 in 1900
Susquehanna Depot, incorporated from Harmony Twp. as a borough 19 Aug 1853. Although the first clearing in this area was made in the late 1700s, it wasn't until 1846, when the Erie Railroad broke ground for its depot and shops, that it became densely populated. The shops covered 8 acres and in 1887 could turn out five locomotives per month. Susquehanna has also been called a "City of Stairs" because its location on two hills that rise sharply from the Susquehanna River caused numerous stairways to be built throughout the town. Pop. 3,818 in 1900.
Herrick Township
Herrick Center Baptist Church located on Rt. 374
Lyons Street Methodist Church - vacant located on Rt. 2027
United Methodist Church located on Rt. 2040 in Uniondale
First Presbyterian Church (vacant) located in Uniondale
The Lyon Street Free-Will Baptist Church was built in 1852.
The Herrick Regular Baptist Church was organized in the western part of the township June 11, 1834 and disbanded July 13, 1851.
The Uniondale Presbyterian Church. Meetings held as early as 1812 and members attended the Congregational Church at Mt. Pleasant until 1833 to form the above church.The first house of worship was built in 1835 and replaced with a newer edifice in 1868.
The Uniondale Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in the fall of 1876. The old schoolhouse was moved and repaired as a house of worship in 1878 and dedicated in 1879. The church became an incorporated body in 1884.
The Free Methodist Church of Uniondale was built in 1878.
Cable Cemetery, Uniondale Borough
Churchill or Sanders Cemetery, Rt. 2023, .6 mi. from Herrick Center Cem., private prop.
Lyon Farm, private property
Lyon Street Cemetery, Lyons St. Rt. 0374
Meyers Cemetery, Herrick Centre, Rt.2023
Old Colonial Mausoleum, Rt. 171, Uniondale Borough
Sherwood Maple Grove, West Herrick (exact location not known)
Uniondale or Rounds Cemetery, Rt. 171, Uniondale Borough
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS (B.S. SH.)- Town of Herrick; Barnes Dist; Dart Dist,; Herrick Center P.O. Dist.
CREEKS/BROOKS - Lackawanna Creek (West Branch- incorrectly named as East Branch) - Uniondale P.O. Dist.; Herrick Center P.O. Dist., Barnes Dist.
GRISTMILLS - (G. Mill)- Town of Union Dale (W. W. Bronson & Co.)
HOTELS - Meyers House (J. M. Meyers), Town of Herrick ; Boarding House, Town of Herrick; Herrick House, (G.W. Potter), Town of Herrick
LAKES - Fiddle Lake, in Ararat Twp., opposite Dimock corners Dist., Herrick Twp.; Lewis Lake, Union Dale P.O. Dist.; Low Lake, Dimock Corners Dist.
POST OFFICES (P.O.) - Town of Herrick (Store & P.O.)
SAW MILLS (S.M. OR S. MILL) - Barnes Dist.; (Z.K. Dunn); (2) Herrick Center P.O. Dist.; (Howell Baird & Co.); Union Dale P.O. Dist.; Town of Union Dale (Turnings and S. Mill- Ellis &Westgate)
SCHOOLS - Town of Herrick; Dimock Corners Dist.; Barnes Dist.; Lyons Dist.; Bunnell Dist.; Union Dale P.O. Dist.; Dart Dist.
STORES - Town of Union Dale; Town of Herrick (Store & P.O.)
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Town of Union Dale (Norton Bros.); Town of Herrick (Store & P.O.)
Cabt. Sh., Town of Herrick
Feed Mill & Sh., Herrick Center P.O. Dist.
Justice Office, Town of Union Dale
Railroad - Jefferson Branch, Erie R. R., Town of Herrick (Depot); Town of Union Dale (Depot); Barnes Dist.; Herrick Center P.O. Dist. (Depot); Union Dale P. O. Dist.
S. Sh., Town of Herrick
Scales, Town of Herrick
Tannery ( includes Bark Ho. & Furnace), Town of Herrick
Tenant Houses (three locations), Town of Herrick
Turnings and S. Mill (Ellis & Westgate), Town of Union Dale
Place Names,Old and New
Herrick Township was formed on 20 Apr 1825. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Dimock Corners, former hamlet. The area was first settled by John Kent. A tavern was built there by his brother Abel Kent in 1798. In 1811, Asa Dimock moved there (at the intersection of the Newburgh and Wilkes-Barre turnpikes) with his family, and the neighborhood became knowns as "Dimock Corners." A post office, called "Dimockville," existed there from 31 Jan 1826 to 3 Jun 1846.
Elk Hill (southeast corner of the twp); location of Elk Mountain Ski Resort.
Herrick Centre, former post office; former railroad station, telegraph station, and express office; pop. 410 in 1900.
Tirzah, former post office, closed 30 Aug 1909 (mail routed through Union Dale P.O.).
Tresco, former post office, closed 30 Jun 1909 (mail routed through Union Dale P.O.).
Uniondale, post office; former railroad station, telegraph station, and express office. Incorporated as a borough 12 Jan 1885. Pop. 351 in 1900.
Jackson Township
Jackson Baptist Church located on Rt. 92
Jackson Methodist Church - vacant located on Rt. 92 & 1002
Lakeview Freewill Baptist Church/Lakeview Mennonite Church located on Rt. 1019
North Jackson United Methodist Church located on Rt. 1006
St. Martins of Tours Catholic Church located on Rt. 92
The Gibson and Jackson Baptist Church history begins December 25, 1825. Meetings were held in the schoolhouses of both places. In December of 1842 the church in Jackson was dedicated.
The Lakeview Baptist Church was built in 1872.
The Jackson Congregational Church was organized March 4, 1838. A Union Church was built where this society worshipped, in connection with the Free-Will Baptists. Both used the church, alternately, without much friction. This Congregational Church was received into the Montrose Presbytery in 1859 and withdrew in 1868.
The Jackson Methodist Church. Classes were held as early as 1816 and the Centre schoolhouse was built about 1820 and meetings were held there. The church at Jackson Center was built in 1850.
The North Jackson Methodist Church was built about 1858.
Griffis Cemetery, off 92/492, private property
Jackson Baptist Church Cemetery, Rt.92
Lake View Cemetery, Rt. 547 South of Lakeview
Lamb Cemetery, Rt. 92 near Gibson Twp. border
Maple Ridge Cemetery, Brushville Road, between Susquehanna & Lakeside
North Jackson Cemetery, Rt. 92
Slocum Hill Cemetery (also known as Nye, Whitney or E. Jackson Cem.) Rt. 1001
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - (B.S. SH.) (2) Dist #6
HOTELS - Town of Jackson (Mrs E. B. Gary)
LAKES - Butler Lake, Dist # 6
PONDS - Dist. # 1; Dist. #2 ; Dist. #4
POST OFFICES - (P.O.) - Town of Jackson (Store & P.O. - H.M. Benson); Dist. #2, (North Jackson P.O.)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Town of Jackson; (2) Dist. #4; (2) Dist. #7, Dist. #8, Dist#10
SCHOOLS - Town of Jackson; Dist. #1; Dist #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9;Dist. #10
STORES - (2) Town of Jackson & Dist. #2 (Store & P. O. - H. M. Benson/Drug & Grocery Store- D. Roberts)
Cooper Shops, Dist. #2 & Dist. #5
Cider Mill, Dist #5
Factories, Dist. #4 & Dist. #9
Harness & Shoe Sh., Town of Jackson (O. S. Brigham)
Machine Shop, Dist. #2
Shoe Sh. Dist.#3, Spring, Dist. #1
Toll HouseDist. #1
Weaver Sh., Dist. #4
Place Names, Old and New
Jackson Township was formed during the December Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1815. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Jackson, former post office; pop. 150 in 1900.
Lakeview, former post office, closed 30 Nov 1906 (mail routed through Susquehanna Depot P.O.); pop. 47 in 1900.
North Jackson, former post office, closed 15 Jan 1908 (mail routed through Susquehanna P.O.); pop. 300 in 1900.
Jessup Township
Fairdale Methodist Church located on Rt. 3029 & 106
The Rush Baptist Church was organized in Jessup in 1831. Meetings were held at the Bolles schoolhouse.
Wesleyan Methodists. The first church building in the township was built in 1841.
Methodist Episcopal Church was built in Fairdale. It was first a meetinghouse, replaced by the present edifice in 1868.
Bolles Cemetery, Rt. 706W
Cronk Cemetery, private property, Fairdale
Fairdale Cemetery, Rt. 706E in Fairdale
Sherman Cemetery, private property
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - (2) Town of Fairdale (includes one B.S. & Wagon Sh. - J. H. Lake); Dist. #1; Dist. #4
CREEKS/BROOKS - Forest Lake Creek- Dist. #1 & Chapman Dist.; Wyalusing Creek, (East Branch) Dist. #4; (South Branch) - Dist. #1, & Dist. #7
GRIST MILLS (G. MILL) - Dist. #7
HOTELS - Town of Fairdale (J. Decker)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Dist. #1; Chapman Dist.; Dist. #4; Dist. #7
SCHOOLS - (Town of Fairdale) - Dist. #1; unnamed dist between Dist. #3 & Chapman Dist.; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7
Cold Spring, Dist. #5
Pleasant Vale, Dist. #5
Sightly Home, Dist. #5
Southern Slope, Dist. #5
Sunnyside, Dist. #5,
Valley Home, Dist. #4 (L. F. Cooper)
Valley View, Dist. #1
Woolen Mill (ruins of old), Dist. #1
Place Names, Old and New
Jessup Township was formed on 27 Apr 1846. Named in honor of Judge William Jessup, of Susquehanna County. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Fairdale, former post office, closed 31 May 1954 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.); pop. 80 in 1900.
Lathrop Township
Union Methodist Church located on Rt. 3023
The Lathrop First Methodist Episcopal Church was incorporated Nov. 22, 1870. The church was built at Lakeside and dedicated February 16, 1871.
The Lathrop Six Principal Baptist Church holds its meetings in the Decker School-house. As of 1887 only occasional services are held.
Deckertown Cemetery, Rt 2004 SW Lathrop Twp.
Hillsdale Cemetery, Rt. 2009 SW of Hop Bottom
Squier Cemetery, T408 off Rt. 11 above Hop Bottom
Union Church Cemetery, Rt. 3023 W. Lathrop near Springville Twp. border
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - (3) Town of Hop Bottom (J.E. Sanders, C. Davis and J.H. Tiffany)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Hop Bottom Creek - Dist. #3; Horton's Creek - Dist. #2, Dist. #7, Dist. #4, Martin's Creek - Town of Hop Bottom, Dist. #3, Dist. #6
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Town of Hop Bottom (G. Coray)
HOTELS - Wilmarth Hotel, Town of Hop Bottom
PONDS - Field's Pond- Dist. #5; Lord's Pond - Dist. #1 & Dist. #2; Tarbell's Pond - Lakeside Dist.
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Town of Hop Bottom (T. Bell & W. Miles); Dist. #2; (2) Dist. #3; Dist. #4 (Decker); Dist. #6 (Halsted); Dist. #7 (W. H. Osborn); (2) Lakeside Dist.
STEAM SAW MILLS - Lakeside Dist. (R. S. Squires)
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Town of Hop Bottom; Lakeside Dist.
STORES - Town of Hop Bottom (N. M. Finn, Hall Bros., G. W. Rees, E. M. Tiffany)
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Lakeside Dist.
Carriage Shop, Town of Hop Bottom (P. H. Whiting)
Concert Hall, Dist. #4
Glenwood Switch, Dist. #6
Good Templers Hall, Town of Hop Bottom
Harness Shop, Town of Hop Bottom
Race Way, Town of Hop Bottom
Railroad - D. W. & W., Town of Hop Bottom (Depot & Scales); Dist. #3, Dist. #6 (R.R. Co.)
Tinshop, Town of Hop Bottom ( J. S. Wright)
Wood Shed & Wood Yard, Town of Hop Bottom
Place Names, Old and New
Lathrop Township was formed on 27 Apr 1846. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Hillsdale. An early settler, Mrs. Lake Bronson, named the Horton Creek Valley area "Hillsdale." Horton Creek runs north/south through the township, and Hillsdale Corners is in the approximate center of the twp. A post office was established at the corners on 8 May 1848 and was named "Lathrop. The post office was closed 15 apr 1905 (mail routed through Nicholson P.O.); pop. 30 in 1900.
Pine Grove, area in the southern part of the twp named by early settlers after the abundance of pine trees growing there.
Lenox Township
Acre Lake Independent Baptist Church located on Rt. 106
Glenwood Bible Church located on Rt. 374
Glenwood Independent Baptist Church located on Rt. 92
Lenoxville Methodist Church located on Rt. 374
Pilgrim Holiness Church located on Rt. 374
West Lenox Baptist Church located on Rt. 2043
The First Baptist Church in Lenox is the oldest religious body in the township, constituted December 15, 1830. The first meetings were held in the old schoolhouses. The first church was dedicated in 1866 and destroyed by fire, August 29, 1875. The second church was dedicated October 4, 1882.
West Lenox Free-Will Baptist Church located on the west shore of Loomis Lake. Started during the Civil War, it took several years to complete. Since Aug. 18, 1873, an incorporated body has controlled it.
The Lenoxville Methodist Episcopal Church was built in 1866 and incorporated Jan. 18, 1868.
The Glenwood Methodist Episcopal Church was incorporated August 1882.
The Union Church at Glenwood Tannery was erected in 1856.
A class of Methodists was organized here in 1875
The Glenwood Chapel, a house for religious meetings, a portion of which was started as early as 1835 as a schoolhouse.
Acre Lake Cemetery/Tower Cemetery, Rt. 2043
Bell Cemetery, between Cameron Corners & Glenwood, south side of road, Rt. 92
Loomis Lake Cemetery now Earl Forward Farm, private property
Rynearson Cemetery, off Rt. 92, private property
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - Dist. #1; Dist. #2 (Machine & B.S. Sh. - C. W. Conrad); Dist. #8; Dist. #11
CREEKS/BROOKS - East Branch Tunkhannock - Dist. #1 Dist. #13, Dist. #2; Tunkhannock Creek - Dist. #2, Dist. #11, Dist. #5; Martin's Creek - Dist. #7
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Dist. #2 ( G. & S. Mill); Dist. #5
HOTELS - Dist. #2 (Glenwood - A. F. Snover)
LAKES - Loomis Lake - Dist. #7; Robinson Lake - Dist. #14
PONDS - Round Pond - Dist. #3; Tea Pond - Dist. #1
POST OFFICES (P.O.) - Dist. #2 (Glenwood); Dist. #5
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Dist. #2 (one Glenwood G. & S. Mill); Dist. #6; Dist. #11; (3) Dist. #13
SCHOOLS - Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11; Dist. #12; Dist. #13; Dist. #14
STORES - Dist. #2 (P. O. & Store)
Boot & Shoe Shop, Dist. #2 ( C. Burt)
Coal, Dist. #13
L. Mill, Dist. #5
Machine & B.S. Shop, Dist. #2 (C. W. Conrad)
Railroad - D. L. & W. - Dist. #7
Tannery, Dist. #2 (Glenwood)
Turnpike, Dist. #13 (Lonsdale & Brooklyn)
Vineyard, Dist. #2
Place Names, Old and New
Lenox Township was formed during the August Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1813. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
East Lenox, former post office, closed 15 Mar 1915 (mail routed through Clifford P.O.).
Foster, former post office, former railroad station; pop. 299 in 1900.
Glenwood, former post office, closed 30 Apr 1908 (mail routed through Nicholson P.O.); pop. 100 in 1900.
Hop Bottom, former post office, former telegraph station and express office. Incorporated as a borough 11 Apr 1881.
Lenox, former post office, opened 29 Sept 1826 and closed 30 Dec 1933 (mail routed through Hop Bottom P.O.); pop. 65 in 1900.
Lenoxville, town in the south east corner. The area was first settled in 1797 by Isaac Doud, and the place was originally called "Doud's Hollow." Doud's grist mill, which he built in 1806, was the first in the area. A post office was established 28 Jan 1851. Pop. 108 in 1900.
West Lenox, former post office, opened 24 May 1866 and closed 30 Sep 1908 (mail routed through Kingsley P.O.); pop. 32 in 1900.
Liberty Township
Brookdale Pilgrim Holiness Church (vacant) located on Rt. 29
Lawsville Free Methodist Church Located on Rt. 4002
Lawsville Center Methodist Church (vacant) located on Rt. 29
Stanfordville Baptist Church located on Rt. 29
The Liberty Strict Baptist Church was organized at Lawsville Centre December 24, 1837. A meetinghouse was built after 1841. The church was built during 1868 and dedicated August 13, 1868.
The Liberty Free Will Baptist Church was organized July 25, 1847 and until 1866 meetings were held in the Chalker School-house and later the schoolhouse in Stanfordville. The church was completed in 1878.
The Liberty Presbyterian Church was organized October 10, 1836. In 1848 the meetinghouse was built. The congregation assimilated with the church at Franklin Forks in 1883 and the Methodists occupied the building.
The Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church. Meetings were held soon after settlement and later meetings were held in the Bailey schoolhouse in 1851 and a meetinghouse was built in 1852 and destroyed by a cyclone July 2, 1883. Afterward the congregation used the Presbyterian meetinghouse at Lawsville Centre.
The Old School Baptists met in the Chalker schoolhouse and members homes.
The Free Methodists organized in the southwestern part of the township. Most members removed and the house of worship was never finished.
Bailey Cemetery, Stanfordville, Rt. 29N
Brookdale Cemetery, 29N
Butts Cemetery
Lawsville Center, T794, parallels 29N
Mountain Valley Cemetery, T806 west of Hallstead
Banker Cemetery, intersection of 1022 and T760
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - (3) Lawsville Centre (I. M. Dawleym D. L. North & D. C. Marvin); (3) Dist. #3 (same as Lawsville Centre)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Rhiney Creek - Dist. #2, Dist. #7, Dist. #9, Dist. #10, Dist. #11; Snake Creek - Dist. #2, Dist. #3, Dist. #4, Dist. #8, Wolf Creek - Dist. #1
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Town of Lawsville Centre (L. A. Tompkins)
HOTELS - Dist. #4 (B. Jones)
LAKES - Tripp Lake - Dist. #9
PONDS - Dist. #3; Dist. #8
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Town of Lawsville Centre (L. A. Tompkins); Dist. #3; Dist. #4; (2) Dist. #7 (includes one for D. Worden); (2) Dist. #8 (S. Whipple and Englis & Hatheway), (2) Dist. #10 (includes one for Hanigan) STEAM SAW MILLS (S. S. Mill) - Hance Dist. #8
SCHOOLS - Town of Lawsville Centre, Steam Hollow Dist., Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7;Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11 STORES - Town of Lawsville Centre (O. M. Crane); Dist. #3; Dist. #4
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Town of Lawsville Centre (Wag. & B.S. Sh. - D. C. Marvin);Dist. #8
Acid Works, Dist. #2
Butts Corners, Dist. #2
Lawsville Centre, Dist. #3
Place Names, Old and New
Liberty Township was formed during the January Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1798 under the name of "Lawsville." It was renamed "Liberty" on 10 Sep 1836. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Brookdale, former post office, opened 7 April 1854 and closed 31 Mar 1908 (mail routed through Hallstead P.O.); pop 230 in 1900.
Butts Corners, former name for the place where Rhinney Creek crosses Rt. 29 North.
Lawsville Center, post office, originally called "Snake Creek"; the name was changed to "Lawsville Center" on 30 June 1830; it was closed 30 Oct 1915 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.).
Stanfordville, small village one mile north of Lawsville Center, named after the founding family of Stanford. It once had a hotel called "Pleasant Valley House." It was the only licensed hotel between Montrose and Binghamton and thus a great convenience for travelers.
Middletown Township
St. Patrick Catholic Church (Bixby Pond) located on Rt. 858. (Closed, now part of St. Brigid Parish.)
St. John's Catholic Church, at Flynn (Burned, no building) located in Flynn
The Methodists built a building near the Howard mill at Middletown Centre early, for school and church purposes. Membership dwindled and a meetinghouse was built on the county line, near Prattsville.
The Jackson Valley Wesleyan Methodists built a small meetinghouse about 1877. The religious interests of the township were, to a large extent, connected with those of Friendsville and other organizations outside its bounds.
Coleman Cemetery, Rt. 858 about 1 mi. above Middletown/Rush border on right, across from Railbow Inn
Middletown, St. John's, Flynn, T630
Middletown Center/Stedwell Farm, Rt. 858 above Middletown Center
Prattsville Cemetery, T539
St. Patrick Cemetery, State Rts. 3033 & 4015
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - Dist. #2
CREEKS/BROOKS - Summers Creek - Dist #1, unnamed dist between Dist. #1 & Dist. #2, Dist. #4; North Branch Wyalusing Creek -Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #4; Dist. #2
GRIST MILLS (G. MILL) - Dist. #4
PONDS - Bixbee Pond Dist. #6
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #1; Dist. #2 (N Barnum); Dist. #7; Dist. #8
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #4 (Baldwin); Dist. #4 (Middletown Centre P.O.); Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8
Cider Mill - Dist. #1
Furniture Factory - Dist. #8
Wolf Road - Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6
Place Names, Old and New
Middletown Township was formed during the January Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1814. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Flynn, former post office, closed 30 Oct 1915 (mail routed through Birchardville P.O.).
Jackson Valley, former hamlet in the northwest part; the area was settled in 1817 by Samuel and Abner Taggart, of New Hampshire. A post office was established there 19 Aug 1843 in the home of Charles Campbell (who also opened the first store in the area, in 1854); it closed 31 July 1909 (mail routed through Little Meadows P.O.); pop. 175 in 1900; northwest part of the twp.
Middletown Centre, former post office, closed 31 Oct 1908 (mail routed through Friendsville post office; pop. 67 in 1900.
Northbranch, former post office, closed 3 Oct 1908 (mail routed through Friendsville P.O.); pop. 25 in 1900.
New Milford Township
Lakeside Methodist Church located on Rt. 492
Lakeside Community Church, Baptist, located on Rt. 492
South New Milford Baptist Church located on Rt. 848
Lakeside Methodist Church. As early as 1827 Methodists met and continued to meet until they built their church in 1883 at Lakeside. It was remodeled in 1943. The annex was built in 1954-55.
Lakeside Community Church. The church edifice was begun in 1949 and completed in 1954.
Moxley Church or South New Milford Baptist Church. On Feb. 11, 1827 a meeting was held at the Moxley schoolhouse to organize a Baptist church. On Feb. 22, 1827, the Baptist Church of Christ in New Milford was duly constituted. Meetings were held in schoolhouses and private dwellings until the church was built and dedicated Jan. 15, 1851. In 1954 the church was reorganized and is now an independent church.
Churches in New Milford Borough
St. John the Apostle Catholic Church, located at the corner of Main & Washington Sts.
New Milford United Methodist Church located at Pratt and Church Sts.
New Milford First Baptist Church located at 170 Main St.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church located on Main St.
Presbyterian Church (vacant)
The First Baptist Church. On Nov. 15, 1885 a group met to organize a church in the Borough. The first meetings were held in the G.A.R. rooms on the second floor of W.G. Smith's store at 244 Main Street. On October 19, 1886 an organizational meeting was held and later that year a decision was made to purchase land on Main Street. In September money was borrowed to erect a church, which was built at a cost of $2880, including the furnace. The church was dedicated July 12, 1894.
The 1st Methodist Episcopal Church was built in 1849 at the foot of "Dugaway Hill" (about 22 Jackson Rd.). It was chartered April 20, 1849 and dedicated Christmas day of the same year. It was moved to its present location by oxen in the fall of 1884, improved on and rededicated in 1908.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church was organized on July 1, 1816 and chartered Sept. 2, 1817. The building of the church was started in the spring of 1827. The church was consecrated and named St. Marks on October 4, 1829. St. Mark's combines elements of Greek and Gothic Revival architectural styles reminiscent of New England's Congregational churches.
The Presbyterians first organized and started as the Union Congregational Church of Liberty and New Milford. In 1826 they organized in New Milford. On January 7, 1850 a charter was presented and accepted and a deed was given to the Congregational Church & Society by Frederick and Martha Badger. A dedication service was held on May 23, 1850. However, the early minutes often refer to the church as Presbyterian and on April 3, 1869 the government of the church was changed from Congregational to Presbyterian.
St. John's Roman Catholic Church. The first mass was celebrated in 1825 at the Boyle home. The first Catholic church was built and dedicated in July, 1871. An addition was added in 1874. The church was partially destroyed by fire in 1939 and the chapel was rebuilt and moved from its original site to its present site on the corner of Main and Washington Streets.
Boyle or St. John's Cemetery, New Milford Borough
New Milford Cemetery, New Milford Borough
Williams' Cemetery, Rt. 81 seems to go through or near this cemetery.
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - Dist. #15 CREEKS/BROOKS - Beaver Creek - Dist. #1 & Dist. #5; Martins Creek, Dist. #6; Mitchel's Creek Dist. #12; Salt Lick Creek, unnamed dist. Dist. #12; Dist. #1;Dist. #14; Dist. #9, Dist. #15
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Dist. #9
LAKES - Duck Lake, Joint Dist.; East Lake, Dist. #13; Hart Lake, Dist. #6; Hunt Lake, Dist. #11; Upper Lake, Dist. #7
PONDS - Page Pond, Dist. #15; Tucker's Pond, Dist. #2
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Unnamed dist. , (2) Dist. #2; Dist. #9; Dist. #12; Dist. #13; Dist. #14; Dist. #15
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11; Dist. #12; Dist. #13; Dist. #14; Dist. #15
STORES - Dist. #13
Cider Mill, Dist. #2
Factories - Bedstead Fact., Dist. #15; Cheese Fact., Dist. #6
Railroads - D. L. & W., Dist. #6, Dist. #7, Dist. #8, unnamed dist. (depot)
Roads/Turnpikes - Harford Road - Dist. #2 & Dist. #7; Susquehanna Road - Dist. #9 & Dist. #13; Drinker Turnpike - Dist. #2 Dist. #11; Newburg Turnpike - Dist. #1, unnamed dist., Dist. #2, Dist. #3
Springs - Dist. #5 & Dist. #8
Summersville - Dist. #1
(2) Tanneries - unnamed dist.
Town Poor Farm, Dist. #9
Union Mill, unnamed dist.
Place Names, Old and New
New Milford Township was formed during the August Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1807. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
East New Milford, former post office
Lakeside, former post office, closed 28 Feb 1907 (mail routed through Susquehanna Depot P.O.); pop. 75 in 1900
Lewis Corners, crossroad just north of Page Lake. Named for Joseph Lewis, who lived there in the the late 1830s. By 1840, his house was burned to the ground.
New Milford, former DL&W train station, telegraph station, and express office. Incorporated as a borough 2 Dec 1859. Because of its location on the Great Bend and Cochecton Turnpike and the presence of the railroad, New Milford had many visitors.
Summerville Station, former train station. Named after David Summers, who settled there in the early 1800s and built a sawmill and a grist mill.
Tingley, former post office, closed 30 Jun 1909 (mail routed through New Milford P.O.).
Oakland Township
Brushville Baptist Church located on Rt. 1021
Locust Hill Bible Church located at RD2, Susquehanna
The Mormon religion had its start in Oakland Township. Joseph Smith lived in Oakland Township and married Emma Hale.
The Trinity Church of the Evangelical Association of North America was organized in 1880 and is commonly known as the German Church. In 1881 a church was erected.
Maple Ridge Cemetery, Brushville
McKune Cemetery, Rt. 171 from Hallstead to Oakland. Latter Day Saints Monument is adjacent to this cemetery.
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details
CREEKS/BROOKS - Bear Creek - Dist. #1 & Independent Dist.; Drinkers Creek, Dist. #4 & Susq. Depot Dist. Hail Spring Brook, Dist. #6; Lewis Creek, Dist. #7
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Dist. #3 (Saw & Grist Mill)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Dist. #3 (one saw & grist mill)
STEAM SAW MILLS - Dist. #7 (G. A. B.)
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6;Dist. #7
Bald Hill, Dist. #3
Brickyard, Dist. #7
Brushville, Dist. #3
Foundation of First Morman Temple, Dist. #6
Jameson Hollow, Dist. #7
Oquago Mtn., Dist. #6
Panther Hill, Dist. #3
Railroads - Erie R. R. - Dist. #5, Independent Dist. Susquehanna Depot P. O. Dist.
Sash & Blind Factory, Independent Dist.
Susquehanna Mills, Independent Dist.
Susquehanna River, Independent Dist., Susq. Depot P. O. Dist., Dist. #1, Dist. #3, Dist. #5, Dist. #7
Turkey Hill, Dist. #7
Place Names, Old and New
Oakland Township was formed on 3 Dec 1853. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Brushville, neighborhood about 2 miles south of Susquehanna Depot.
Oakland, originally called North or West Susquehanna and then Oakland Village. Incorporated from Oakland Twp. as a borough 14 Nov 1883. Most residents at that time were employees of the Erie Railroad. Harvey Holdridge of Albany Co., NY, came in 1866. He was one of the first businessmen, founding Holdridge Mills, which manufactured window sashes, blinds, and doors and did planing and matching of lumber and grinding of grain. Pop. approx 1,000 in both 1887 and 1900.
Starrucca Viaduct, a bridge built by the New York, Lake Erie, and Western Railroad that spans the Starrucca Creek near where it empties into the Susquehanna River. Built in 1846-1847, it is 1,200 ft long and 98 ft high, and it has 17 symmetric arches.
Rush Township
Rush United Methodist Church located on Rt. 706
East Rush United Methodist Church located on Rt. 3027
Rushville Presbyterian Church located on Rt. 706
Rush Baptist Church (vacant) located on Rt. 706
The Baptist Church in Rush was established June 18, 1831 and meetings were held in schoolhouses. A church was built and dedicated Feb. 21, 1867.
The Presbyterian Church at Rush was organized May 11, 1848 and reorganized on June 6, 1861 with the name of The Presbyterian Church of Rushville. The building was completed in 1862.
The Methodist Episcopal Church established three churches: one at Devine Ridge, completed 1868; one at East Rush and one near Rush village. The Rush Centre Methodist-Episcopal Church was built in 1871.
A Roman Catholic Chapel, near Bixby's Pond, on the northern township line, was built about 1859.
Dunmore Cemetery, on T599
Devine Ridge, T480
East Rush Cemetery, Rt. 3023
Fowler Hill Cemetery, T344, SW corner of twp.
Gaige Road/Keech Hill Cemetery, T492
Rushville Cemetery, Rt. 706 Rushville
Snyder Cemetery, 267N
State Road Cemetery, Rt. 57010
Susquehanna County Poor Farm Cemetery, T600
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - Town of Rushville (B.S. & W. Sh. - F. S. Rush); Dist. #1, (John McCormick); Dist. #2 (Jacob Smith); Dist. #4 (D. Angle); Dist. #5; Dist. #9 ( B. Griffin)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Lake Stream - Dist. #7, Dist. #6, Dist. #5, Dist. #13; Wyalusing Creek (East Branch) - Town of Rushville, Dist. #3, Dist. #7; (Middle Branch) - Dist. #3, Dist. #9; (North Branch) - Dist. #1, Dist. #2; Wolf Creek - Dist. #10 & Dist. #11
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Town of Rushville (Zinas Cooley); Dist. #2 (Zinas Cooley); Dist. #7 (Miles shoemaker)
PONDS - Bixbee Pond - Dist. #9; Kinney's Pond - Dist. #10; unidentified pond- Dist. #13
POST OFFICES ( P. O.) - Town of Rushville ( M. H. Edsell); Dist. #5; Dist. #7
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - (2) Dist. #1; Dist. #2 (C. L. Baker); Dist. #3; Dist. #7; Dist. #9; Dist. #13 (J. H. Hall) SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11; Dist. #12; Dist. #13; Dist. #14;
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Town of Rushville (B. S. & W. S. - F. S. Rush)
Cold Spring Farm, Dist. #3 (Loring Hewen)
Coop. Sh. (Cooper Sh.), Dist. #3 (R. V. Very) & Dist. #4
Raceway, Town of Rushville
Rush & Auburn Poor Asylum, Dist. #4
Susquehanna Mineral Spring, Dist. #3
Place Names, Old and New
Rush Township was formed during the November Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1801. Named to honor Judge Jacob Rush, President Judge of four counties and a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
East Rush, former post office, closed 30 Oct 1916 (mail routed through South Montrose P.O.); pop. 25 in 1900.
Grangerville, former railroad station.
Lawton, In March 1900, a post office was established to accommodate the people of the "Snyder district"; it was named "Lawton" and housed in the store of Kahler and Terry. The first postmaster was Daniel Terry.
Powersville, former post office, closed 30 Jun 1909 (mail routed through Rush P.O.).
Rush, former post office, closed 31 May 1954 (mail routed through Montrose P.O.); pop. 120 in 1900.
Rushville, former post office; pop. 55 in 1900.
Silver Lake Township
Silver Lake Presbyterian Church located on Rt. 4004, Laurel Lake, Brackney
St. Augustine's Catholic Church located on Church Rd., off Rt. 167 & Sweeney Rd.
The Church of Christ in Silver Lake and Choconut was organized Feb. 16, 1816, adhering to the Congregational or Presbyterian faith first established within its bounds. It ceased to exist in 1837. However, a new church was formed March 21, 1847 and a meetinghouse was built on the west bank of Mud Lake. On Nov. 27, 1847 the new church was incorporated with the name Presbyterian Congregation of Silver Lake.
The Brackney Methodist Episcopal Church - Meetings were held as early as 1831 and in 1846 a plain frame meetinghouse was built and dedicated in Feb. 1847. After the Civil War the building was moved and improved.
The Chapel of St. Augustine (Roman Catholic) was erected in 1871 and first occupied for service on Christmas day. This was the second chapel the Catholics have had in this township. The first was built on the head-waters of Ranney Creek. It was the first Roman Catholic Church in the county.
Brackney Cemetery, Rt. 4001
Gaige Family, private property
Laurel Lake Cemetery, Rt. 4004
Quaker Lake Cemetery, T808
St. Augustine's Cemetery, T782
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - (2) Town of Brackney (includes one for W. Frank); Dist. #10
CREEKS/BROOKS - Little Snake Creek - Town of Brackney, Dist. #3, Dist. #8; Choconut Creek, Dist. #6; Silver Creek - Dist. #10; Dist. #1; Dist. #9
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Town of Brackney
HOTELS - Town of Brackney (D. Mahoney); Dist. #2; Dist. #3 (B.S. Gage)
LAKES - Cranberry Lake - Dist. #10; Mud Lake - Dist. #2 & Dist. #5; Quaker Lake - Dist. #3; Silver Lake - Dist. #10
PONDS - Mill Pond-Town of Brackney &Dist.#3; Meaker Pond-Dist#11
POST OFFICES (P.O.) - Town of Brackney & Dist. #2 (Store & P. O.)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Town of Brackney Dist. #2; Dist. #8; Dist. #10 (E. Rose)
SCHOOLS - Dist. #1; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5;Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Dist. #10; Dist. #11
WAGON SHOPS ( W. SH.) - Town of Brackney (S. R. Wilbur)
Cheese Factory, Dist. #3
Mill, Dist. #8 (E. Howard)
Tanneries, Town of Brackney & Dist. #8
Place Names, Old and New
Silver Lake Township was formed 27 Apr 1813. All of Silver Lake was at one time owned by Dr. Robert Rose (who purchased about 100,000 acres in 1809). He actively promoted Susquehanna County as a healthy place to live and is responsible for much of its early settlement. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Brackney, founded in 1848 by J.W. Brackney of Prattsville, NY, who started a large tannery which employed a community of laborers whose dwellings formed the village. Post office; pop. 75 in 1900.
Britannia. Circa 1818, 1819, a group of British immigrants purchased some land from Dr. Rose with the purpose of establishing a town, which they named "Britannia." In 1819, it became the home of the British Emigrant Society. Most of the British sellers stayed only a year or two and then left the area; a few remained permanently, but the name Britannia was not retained.
Laurel Lake, originally called "Tenbury Lake" and then "Mud Lake." When it was called Tenbury Lake, it was part of "Britannia." When it was called Mud Lake, a post office was established. On 13 Jul 1903 the name of the post office was changed to Laurel Lake. The post office closed 30 Oct 1915 (mail routed through Brackney P.O.).
Quaker Lake. In the summer of 1809 a number of Quakers from Duanesburg, NY, settled on the shores of this lake. Alpheus Finch built the first house on the east side of Quaker Lake, and Philip Griffith built the second house, on the south side. As there was as yet no saw mill in the area, the logs for these houses had to be split.
Richmond Hill, former post office, closed 31 Aug 1908 (mail routed through Silver Lake P.O.); pop. 25 in 1900.
Sheldon, former post office, closed 16 Jun 1900 (mail routed through Silver Lake P.O.); pop. 40 in 1900.
Silver Lake, former post office, closed 15 Jul, 1916 (mail routed through Friendsville P.O.); pop. 125 in 1900.
Springville Township
Lynn Presbyterian Church (no building)
Springville Baptist Church located on Rt. 29
Springville United Methodist Church located on Rt. 3006, Springville
First Methodist Church of Springville, at Lynn located on Rt. 3008
Lymanville United Methodist Church located on Paul Kato Rd.
Lady of Fatima Catholic Church (vacant)
The Lymanville Church was built in 1842 and incorporated in 1848 as the Methodist Episcopal Church of Springville.
A Methodist class was formed in Springville in 1816. In 1861 the Second Methodist Episcopal Church of Springville was established and incorporated Nov. 22, 1865.
The Lynn Methodist Episcopal Church was dedicated Nov. 24, 1883.
The Presbyterian Church of Springville was organized 1819. The church was built February 9, 1837.
St. Andrew's Church, Protestant Episcopal, was the successor of St. Jude's Church, established prior to 1815 and chartered in 1817. In 1832 it was chartered as St. Andrews and soon after a church was built. It was destroyed by fire in 1879 and a new church was built soon after.
Button-Hinkley Cemetery, Rt. 2003
Fike Cemetery, private property
Lynn Cemetery. Corner 3013 and T393
Springville Cemetery, T368 in town of Springville
Strickland Hill Cemetery, Rt. 57017
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.) - Town of Lynn; Town of Springville; Dist. #2 (E. Taylor); Dist. #3; Dist. #7
CREEKS/BROOKS - Meshoppen Creek - Dist. #9, Dist. #4, Dist. #5, Dist. #7; Pond Brook - Dist. #5 & Dist. #7; White Creek - Dist. #2, Lymanville Dist.
GRIST MILLS (G. Mill) - Dist. #5 (J. States)
HOTELS - Union Hotel, Dist. #6 ( and P. O. - J. Stevens)
PONDS - States Pond - Dist. #5; Field Pond - Dist. #6; Pond - Dist. #7
POST OFFICES ( P. O.) - Town of Springville ( Store & P. O. - Hungerford & Meserole); Town of Lynn (Store & P. O.), Dist. #3, Dist. #6 (Union Hotel & P. O. - J. Stevens)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Dist. #2; (2) Dist. #5 (J. States & J. Thomas); Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Lymanville Dist. (N. Loomis)
SCHOOLS - Town of Lynn; Town of Springville; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6; Dist. #7; Dist. #8; Dist. #9; Lymanville Dist.
STORES - Town of Springville ( Store & P. O. - Hungerford & Meserole and Store - M. Riley); (2) Town of Lynn (one a Store & P. O.)
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Town of Springville (M. Prichard)
Auburn Road, Dist. #3 & Lymanville Dist.
Cabinet Shop, Town of Lynn
Cheese Factory, Dist. #1 ( W. Street )
Cider Mill, Dist. #1
Grocery, Town of Lynn
Harness Shop, Town of Springville ( C. W. Bard ); Town of Lynn
Shoe Store, Town of Lynn (O. T. Spencer)
Railroad - Montrose Rail Road - Dist. #1, Dist. #3, Dist. #4, Dist. #5 Tailor Shop, Town of Springville ( E. Fritz)
Tannery Yard, Town of Springville (W. B. Handrick)
TurnPike Dist. #3 & Dist. #4 ( Wilkes Barre - Montrose Turnpike)
Place Names, Old and New
Springville Township was formed during the April Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1814. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Ainey, former post office, closed 14 Jan 1905 (mail routed through Nicholson P.O.).
Lymanville, neighborhood
Lynn, former post office, opened 21 Apr 1836 and closed 19 Apr 1957 (mail routed through Springville P.O.. The builder of the county's first platform wagons, A. Luce, opened his business there in 1816. Pop. 175 in 1900. A mile east of Lynn was Lynn Station, a railroad station, telegraph station, and express office
Niven, former post office (opened 14 Aug 1855) and hamlet in the southeastern part of the twp. It was first known as "Fisk's Corners," after Joseph Fisk, who owned one of the farms at the corners. Pop. 37 in 1880.
Springville (Four Corners), post office opened 19 Sep, 1815; former train station and express office. Pop. 200 in 1900.
Thompson Township
Centerville Community Church (vacant) located on Rt. 171
Churches in Thompson Borough
First Baptist Church located on Rt. 171
United Methodist Church located on Rt. 171 & 1005
*STOCKER'S HISTORY - Thompson Borough (1887)
Thomson Methodist Church - Early records were very meager up to a certain date. However, the first church was erected in 1851 and dedicated in 1852. It was remodeled and repaired and rededicated in 1875.
Thompson Free-Will Baptist Church was organized Nov. 16, 1867. The present church was dedicated June 4. 1876.
Fairmont Cemetery, Rt. 171
St. Mary's Cemetery, Rt. 1001
Thompson Cemetery, Rt 171
Building and Geographic Information According to the 1872 Beers' Atlas of Susquehanna County.
To obtain copies of maps e-mail us for details.
B. SHOPS - Dist. #5
BLACK SMITH SHOPS (B.S. SH.)-Town of Thompson (B. S. & Wagon Shop. - E. E. Dow)
CREEKS/BROOKS - Red Brook - Dist. #1 & Dist. #2, Starrucca Creek - Town of Thompson, Dist. #1, Dist. #6
HOTELS - Town of Thompson ( C. Stoddard & J. W. Van Horn); Dist. #6
PONDS - Town of Thompson; Church Pond - Dist. #5
POST OFFICES ( P. O.) - Town of Thompson ( Post Office & Store - J. L. Lewis)
SAW MILLS (S.M. or S. MILL) - Town of Thompson ( J. M. Lamont); (2) Dist. #1 ( H. A. Fonda & J. M. Lamont); Dist. #5 ( D. R. Pope)
STEAM SAW MILLS - Town of Thompson (C. Gelatt)
SCHOOLS - Town of Thompson; Dist. #2; Dist. #3; Dist. #4; Dist. #5; Dist. #6
STORES - Town of Thompson, (Post Office & Store - J. L. Lewis)
WAGON SHOPS (W. SH.) - Town of Thompson (B. S. Shop & Wagon Sh. - E. E. Dow)
Harness Shop & Store, Town of Thompson ( W. W. Messenger)
Mill, Dist. #1
Railraods - Jefferson Branch of Erie R. R. - Town of Thompson (Depot ), Dist. #1, Dist. #3, Dist. #6
Starrucca Depot, Dist. #6
Tannery, Dist. #4
Tin Shop, Town of Thompson
Water Tanks, Dist. #3 & Dist. #6
Place Names, Old and New
Thompson Township was formed during the April Session (of the Court of Quarter Sessions) in 1833. For further information, see also Township Incorporations.
Starrucca Station, former train station, named after the Starrucca Creek.
Thompson, post office; former train station, telegraph station, and express office. Incorporated as a borough 15 Aug 1876. Pop. 309 in 1900. Named to honor William Thomson, associate judge in Susquehanna County at the time of its organization and for years after.