Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We Have the Following Available for Research Use
Family Files -Envelopes and folders containing information either submitted to us or compiled by us on local families. These files contain anywhere from 1 to 100's of pages. We will not mail out copies of entire surname files, but they are available for use in the Reference Room.
Genealogy Research published and unpublished - Research of genealogy lines donated to our collection. These are not for sale or loan, but can be viewed while here.
Garford Williams Genealogy Collection - Local Historian's life long research, including published genealogies.
Maps -including Beer's Atlas - We have copies of the Beer's Atlas for Sale, as well as copies of various other maps.
Cemetery Records - An In-house Index of county cemeteries.
Microfilm Newspapers - Various local newspapers, dates varying from the early 1800's-2000's
Card Files - Articles extracted from Newspapers including marriages, deaths, births, and events (odd files)
Blackman History - History of Susquehanna County, by Emily Blackman. Originally published in 1873. Reprinted in 1992. 685 pp., including index, maps, portraits. (Copies of this book are for Sale)
Stocker's History- Centennial History of Susquehanna County, by Rhamanthus Stocker. Originally published in 1887. Reprinted in 2002. 931 pp., including index, portraits. (Copies of this book are for Sale)
Ancestry - We have access to Ancestry.com here in the building, which gives you access to Census records (Some death certificates in PA are now available on ancestry as well).
HeritageQuest - If you have a Susquehanna County library card, you can access HeritageQuest from any computer
...And More
In Memoriam
Have you considered honoring a deceased friend or relative with a memorial book?
All books purchased with a memorial donation contain a plaque identifying the donor and the person in whose memory the book was purchased. This is a gentle way to keep our loved ones with us and to help our collection grow.
Also, please consider donating a copy of your family history. This will ensure that your work will never be lost.
If your lineage goes back to the Mayflower or the Revolution or just one of the first families in PA, you might want to click on the button to the right. It is a list that was sent to us, of lineage societies such as D.A.R., S.A.R. and others with links to their websites and how to get in touch with them.
Outside Links
Below are links to sites from nearby Counties. Many sites devoted to specific counties contain genealogical information pertinent to Susquehanna County families who at one time lived in those counties or had members who lived there:
Wyoming County Historical Society: Wyoming County Historical Society - This site provides information about the Wyoming County Historical Society.
Wayne County Historical Society: Wayne County History - This site provides details on the location and programs of the Historical Society and on local historical places.
Warren Co., NJ: Warren County NJ GenWeb - Hosted by volunteers, this site offers queries, links to genealogy pages of Warren County people, general historical information on the county, and the 1850 Warren Co. Census, with index.
Broome Co., NY: Broome County NY GenWeb - Hosted by Vickie Hall Titus. Contains extensive genealogical information, including many cemetery, birth, marriage, death, obituary, probate, and census records; maps and geographical information; diaries, letters, and family lines; and photographs, indexes, miscellaneous databases, and links.
Orange Co., NY: Orange County NY GenWeb - Coordinated by José Rivera Nieves. Contains extensive genealogical information, including searchable databases of cemetery, church, birth, marriage, death, obituary, bible, and census records, and much, much more.
Further Susquehanna County information: For more on local businesses and events, visit the official Susquehanna County site or the Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau.
Susquehanna County Library: The Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Library Association comprises both the Historical Society and the Library. All library-related information, including the online catalog, branch information, hours, information databases, etc., are available at the Library website. The link is: http://www.susqcolibrary.org.
Other Genealogical Sites
VitalChek - Offers several ways (internet, fax, etc) to obtain copies of birth, marriage, and death certificates and other vital records from all states. (Also check Ancestry.com for these, some years are now available there.)
FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service - This site is sponsored by the Church of Latter-Day Saints and allows you to search its databases as well as find other websites relevant to your search.
U.S. Geological Survey, Geographical Names Information System - Although not a genealogical site, it is very helpful to genealogists. You can perform searches to find obscure geographical locations and then print out maps. For example, in the "Name" box type in "Ararat," choose "State" as Pennsylvania, and then click Susquehanna in the county list. Click on "Query" and you will get different links to choose from, If you follow any of these links, you will be given further mapping and location information.
National Archives and Records Administration - Hosted by the U.S. government. "The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the official repository for records of military personnel who have been discharged from the U.S Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard. Paper copies of military service and pension records can be ordered by mail from the facility which holds the records." All necessary information is given on how to obtain the copies.